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What are some botting prctices that are unsafe?
So I was just wondering what the "no-no's" of botting are and what are the uses of the bot that the majority of players should NOT do?

It may seem pretty obvious to many people who have been botting for a long time already but I just wanted to maybe discuss this with you all in terms of what practices of botting I should stay away from.

Aside from the obvious ones such as teleporting, sprint hack, and speed hacking. What else is "not" recommended??

For instance:

-Is it typically safe to leave the bot AFK during the night while I sleep (such as farming a mob in the same general area for materials or gathering the same 4 nodes for raw materials to sell or use)? If it is safe, how could I make it so I am not likely to get caught?
-How often do people get banned for normal use of botting programs?
-Is it generally safe to bot on my main account?
-How do you guys handle other players whispering you or talking to you in general chat regarding something happening in game? (such as getting killed in a fate by the bot being "dumb" and attacking the boss alone or someone asking a question about what you're doing)
-Are GM's known to teleport players somewhere if they are suspected of botting?

I guess generally speaking I want to know what are the "right" ways to bot and what are the "wrong" ways?
as long as yu dont TP farm in the open world ur safe ish

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