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Grinding Mode not working
Anyone else having problems with grinding mode? I enabled it with the right skill profile and my character just stands around. I also tried enabling fates and nothing happens. Also tried changing places and still no go? Anyone know whats going on?

Ok new news, Im grinding lancer right now and it wont move or do anything but when I go target a monster and execute one attack then it will kill it and stand around again, so my problem is why he isn't running, targeting and killing?
Check your markers, make sure you're not using a marker time of 0.
The marker is counting down from 300 but my character is just standing there. When the timer hits zero I'm still just standing around. Any Ideas?

Is there already pre markers that came with the bot or I have to make my own. I have tried to make a grind marker and still no go
do you have controller enabled? or do you have legacy mode enabled? if so disable both. sounds to me you either do no t have a navmesh loaded for the zone. or you have those options enabled. cause even with out grind markers the bot should still run around and just attack stuff if a navmesh is loaded.
(11-05-2014, 03:15 PM)jackie1234 Wrote:  do you have controller enabled? or do you have legacy mode enabled? if so disable both. sounds to me you either do no t have a navmesh loaded for the zone. or you have those options enabled. cause even with out grind markers the bot should still run around and just attack stuff if a navmesh is loaded.

I have both disabled and it shows that the navmesh is loaded. Still no go. Its weird if i start attacking a monster the bot will continue to kill it afterwards it just stands there again. Someone plz help me with this I don't want to pay for the ffxivminion if i can't do anything with it.

EDIT: FIXED NOW, if you are having this same problem delete the whole program and redownload it. It might of been corrupt or something but its working now.

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