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NInjAngelol (inactive) NO MORE UPDATES
No i like it, thank you for explaining :)

NICE Job really
(06-26-2015, 03:56 PM)Angelol Wrote:  Doton = 8 * 30 Potency = 240 Potency EACH mob (usable at 2+ targets, depends how long they live.)

Katon = 180 Potency EACH mob (usable at 2+ targets)

Raiton 360 on single target..


Long living enemies: Doton > Katon > Raiton
Short living enemies: Katon > Raiton

2 or more enemies live longer than 18 seconds? => Doton > Katon
2 or more enemies live less than 18 seconds? => Katon > Doton

18 Seconds is the point where Doton Dmg Potency meets Katon.
(Doton: 6x30 Potency = 180 Potency --- Katon Potency = 180 Potency.)


Im playing on EU with latency 120-180 and get 980+ DPS on Single Target in 3mins+ Fights + Movement etc. so I guess my profile is fine so far

If you don't want the profile to use Doton, just disable it - but usually mobs should live longer than 18 seconds (mob groups) so doton is the better choice.

Updated the profile.

As soon as there are 2+ mobs with target HP > 60% within 5 yards radius => Duton will be cast.
As soon as there are 2+ mobs with target hp < 60% within 5 yards radius => Katon will be cast.

As soon as there are 2+ mobs with any target hp within 5 yards radius and Kassatsu is ready => Katon (+Kassatsu 100% crit) will be cast.
As soon as there is 1 mob with any target hp and Kassatsu is ready => Raiton will still be cast (no change.)

Feel free to disable it if u don't need AoE Dmg.

Gotcha, thanks alot for the lesson ^^

How does armor crush work? My huton always falls off.
Great profile! Thanks.
How do you filter dancing edge? I tried but then it doesnt use Shadow Fang, Mutilate, or Off GCD skills.
#UPDATED - Sution / Raiton is working better now!
Actually I don't know... why would you want to filter Dancing Edge, but keep on using Shadow Fang / Mutilate?

Dancing Edge will just be used if your target does not have Dancing Edge or Storm's Eye Debuff (or Duration <5 Secs)

I think I will have to change the whole profile to actually make it possible to disable Dancing Edge without losing the main priority skill order.
Since I don't have a lot of time currently I can't aim for this right now, sry.

Off GCD won't be used. Why? I gave them the criteria to be used as soon as your target is debuffed with Dancing Edge or Storm's Eye debuff to increase their power as much as I can. (Jugulate and Mug = slashing damage, Dancing Blade / Storm's Eye reduce Slashing Resistance)

You can manually take this criteria off...
SkillManager > Mug / Jugulate > Target Buff > Remove 490,91


Whoever downloaded 1.2 - take 1.3. There is smth buggy with 1.2.. :D
Ocassionally on 2 mobs it will use doton twice. Can this be solved by adding missing BUFF requirement to doton (501)?
I just failed Kassatsu... :)
Going to update in few mins


Doton Fix is up
Is there any filter to turn off cooldowns? I don't want to blow them right before a boss fight.
(06-27-2015, 03:25 PM)Waldstein Wrote:  Is there any filter to turn off cooldowns? I don't want to blow them right before a boss fight.


Filter 1 = Cooldowns off.

Cooldowns in this case are:

Blood for Blood, Invigorate, Internal Release, Mug, Duality, Dream within a Dream, Kassatsu

Offensive Cooldowns >= 60 seconds cooldown.
Thank you.

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