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BallistaBard - WMSwitchEnabled™
Bard profile for assisted play featuring flexible use of WM


BallistaBard is meant to enable flexible use of Wanderer's Minuet at the press of a button, includig safety checks for the transition period between both modes while maintaining Venomous Bite and Windbite to it's best ability. The bot doesn't offer certain skill check scenarios, which is why the profile might cast Iron Jaws at times that appear to be suboptimal, however, such behaviour will only occur during hotswapping or starting combat in WM until an optimal rotation for your current stance is achieved.

BallistaBard won't use Wide Volley outside of WM and Quick Nock while in WM. The reasoning behind this is the nature of typical AoE situation - closing a gap when using WM in order to get into Quick Nock range will cost you DPS while closing a gap without WM should not be an issue and allows for TP conservation. Wide Volley and Quick Nock have their own filter and should be used in a "AoE only"-situation.

I don't believe in aligned cooldowns, which is why this profile doesn't offer any. However, that might change in the future if I see reasonable improvements in any given situation.


Filter 1
ON: Wanderer's Minuet ON
OFF: Wanderer's Minutet OFF

Filter 2
ON: No AoE Mode - Disables Rain of Death, Quick Nock, Wide Volley and Flaming Arrow
OFF: AoE Mode - Enables Rain of Death, Quick Nock, Wide Volley and Flaming Arrow

Filter 3
ON: Disables Quick Nock and Wide Volley
OFF: Enables Quick Nock and Wide Volley if Filter 2 is OFF

Filter 4
ON: No CD mode - Disables Sidewinder, Internal Release, Raging Strikes, Blood for Blood, Hawk's Eye and Barrage
OFF: CD mode - Enables Sidewinder, Internal Release, Raging Strikes, Blood for Blood, Hawk's Eye and Barrage.

Filter 5
ON: Silence mode - Disables Blunt Arrow
OFF: Enables Blunt Arrow

ToDo / Issues

- Cast Iron Jaws before leaving WM when WB + VB are up.
Attempted to implement this behaviour but chain feature seems to be bugged and blocks skill execution for several seconds after "Chain End" is executed. That, or I'm too retarded to use it properly.

-Don't cast Iron Jaws after starting combat any applying WB + VB.
This is currently needed in order to refresh DoTs in time. If DoT's are misaligned, Iron Jaws use in WM becomes dodgy.

Changelog - Last updated 07/07/15

Initial Release

Attached Files
.zip   BallistaBard (Size: 2.81 KB / Downloads: 62)
testing right now! thankies
No raging or hawkseye on initial barrage + emp

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