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Oblivion Bard 2 Hybrid Profile Lv60
Hmm say it casts B4B and hawks eye is still say 12-15s on cooldown wouldn't there a chance it will wear off before barrage+skill procs?
b4b timer is 20 seconds, i guess if you had to refresh both a iron jaws and a straight shot and had a straightershot proc in there it might fall off, can modify to be a 10 second?

i'll up my profile that i compared against real quick in my thread so you can give it a whirl if you want, but messin around in all of alex and ravana i've not had any issues missing a b4b+HE+Barrage EmpArrow, but worst case scenario, it held b4b for 5 seconds from when it would have used it with your skillmgr anyhow.
no no no i was just going by what u just wrote:
"B4B to cast when HE is less than 15 seconds cooldown, HE to cast when Barrage is less than 10 second cooldown and Barrage to cast when EA is ready, and not to use EA if Barrage is less than 10 second cooldown."

B4B casts with (say max) 15s left on Hawks Eye. Hawks Eye Casts with 5s Left on B4b and (say max) 10sec til Barrage. Seems B4b would be gone before Barrage+skill proc. Could be wrong i just quickly drew this conclusion, also im guesing you taking these numbers off top of your head.

i would just expect it to be a bit smaller like 9sec on HE and 5sec on barrage or something, should give u enough time even if procs occur.
Oh yeah, i see what you're saying.

The way HE and Barrage line up its usually not a problem, i just had the HE timer as a just in case thing if somehow the buffs got screwed up somewhere.

But since they share the same cooldown time they are normally cast within 2 seconds of each other, the check built into the HE for time left on Barrage Cooldown is pretty moot.
i lined up b4b and hawks eye for 1.1 also i tested 00BRDv2-RED and no offense but it deffinately does not out parse this. so dont let those screenshots discourage you from using this profile. this profile is the shit :)
(07-19-2015, 09:40 PM)Bricks Wrote:  i lined up b4b and hawks eye for 1.1 also i tested 00BRDv2-RED and no offense but it deffinately does not out parse this. so dont let those screenshots discourage you from using this profile. this profile is the shit :)

OOBRDv2-RED is not my most current;

The one linked in my profile is, as evidenced by the fact that the name of the profile in the screenshot is "0-BRD" not 00BRDv2-RED

The naming convention is simply there for people testing multiple bard profiles.
oh sorry that was your most current when i post this. 1 parse vs 1 (biased)parse? that would only prove that your slick. anyway nobody's going to download this with feedback like that. i'll enjoy it myself. removed. lol please do not re-post.
Uhm please do not let people get to you... Your profile was amazing and as someone who gets bombarded with requests for profiles and not enough feedback for mine I understand some people may not appreciate your profile but do not let one person's critique cause you to want to remove a first rate profile...
Can you post this again please?
will this work with the skillmanager beta?

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