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[BETA] SkillManager & Combat API Update [IMPORTANT]
Can check if this skillmgr is already live? or still in beta which we need to download and replace
its live
Is it possible to blacklist people so the bot doesn't heal them?
you can make your skill profile only heal people in yoru group
Sometimes the healers want to split the work so you're only supposed to heal certain players in the group, just wondering it I could make it do this somewhere in the manager, if not I would be happy if a feature like this could be implemented.
yes you can you can do heal prioirty so like if you want to heal tanks while the other healer heals party members you can do this with heal prioirty.
I meant say if you're in a raid situation, the other healer gets 1 tank and you get the other tank, is there a way to tell the bot to not heal the other tank the other healer is supposed to be healing and only heal the tank you were assigned?
wow thats odd, ive never had to do that before, because you typically have 1 healer thats a healer like WHM and the other healer is a shielder like sch or astro. we have always just healed both tanks shielder shielding both.
In leviathan (extreme) someone gets debuffed with "briny mirror" and if you target heal that person you get a stacking debuff every time you heal them so you usually have 1 healer just regen them while the other healer ignores them.
meh it doesnt matter at all, we still heal away.

(08-09-2015, 12:50 PM)Cichard Wrote:  meh it doesnt matter at all, we still heal away. the bot can handle levi just fine, i have 8 bots and can clear levi afk. they just heal away even with that buff.

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