![ZIP File .zip](https://www.mmominion.com/images/attachtypes/zip.gif)
Filter 1 uses: hawks eye, b4b, hypercharge, raging strikes, hot shot, leadshot, reload, split shot, wildfire, slug shot, reassemble, quick reload, clean shot, rapid fire, ricochet, split shot, gauss round, slug shot, suppressive fire (cause why not stun them instead of silence? save the tank some dmg), split shot, blank shot, clean shot. After all this wildfire should go off and all buffs be gone then go into regular rotation. ((I suggest this for being lazy))
Filter 2: Does the exact same thing as filter 1 except it starts from hot shot. This is a good one to use for big openers. use a macro such as:
/macroicon "Raging Strikes"
/ac "Hawk's Eye" <me>
/wait 0.5
/ac "Blood for Blood" <me>
/wait 0.5
/ac "Hypercharge" <me>
/wait 0.5
/ac "Raging Strikes" <me>
Then pop a potion and simply target the boss. I suggest for long fights you switch to filter 1 after the initial opener. (this macro will self cast all these skills with one press so no reason to hit it more than once) ((I suggest this one in Alexander Savage))
Filter 3: this just sets feint to go off if the mob has less than 1800 health. No reason to waste a lead shot hot shot or some other 2.5 second cast when feint is instant to kill them. Feint will still be used while moving without this set. I suggest using it always unless on training dummy.
No filters!! : Raging strikes and hyper charge will not be used, but the hawks eye, b4b wildfire, and rapid fire will go off every 90 seconds. it will do this with filter one or two on a swell. If enough requests ill change this to a filter.
This is the brand new version 1.0 It seems to be completely bug free now, and is the highest dps profile I could come up with. Future updates will add stance dancing, and only using lead shot if mob has certain amount of HP left. (Filter 3 not currently working, feint is being an asshole, but it will still cast it while moving)