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This is "vulnerability up" debuff which is applied via the Meltyspume ability.

Not sure if any of these statuses are the ones we need:

The real trick for this is that you can stack this debuff up to 5 times on a target. You'll want to bane when the stacks reach 5 (rather than bane-ing at 1 stack - still 1 is better than none!). Not sure if the bot will be able to differentiate between a stacked debuff and a normal debuff but thought I'd mention it! Might be that a more manual bane approach is called for in AS2. :(

Might be easier to run Alexander Normal to get the id of this, would be the same as in savage!
yeah did a normal mode to check it for the ID

debuff id for vulnerability up - 714 .
but it remained 714 no matter how much it stacks it is
(10-15-2015, 11:05 PM)ohm Wrote:  This is "vulnerability up" debuff which is applied via the Meltyspume ability.

Not sure if any of these statuses are the ones we need:

The real trick for this is that you can stack this debuff up to 5 times on a target. You'll want to bane when the stacks reach 5 (rather than bane-ing at 1 stack - still 1 is better than none!). Not sure if the bot will be able to differentiate between a stacked debuff and a normal debuff but thought I'd mention it! Might be that a more manual bane approach is called for in AS2. :(

Might be easier to run Alexander Normal to get the id of this, would be the same as in savage!

I'm assuming the timer on the debuff resets with each stack that is added?

If that is indeed the case, I'd recommend manually casting bane as well.

My personal experience, is that extreme fights and savage mode fights require quite a bit of tweaking to profiles to exploit the unique mechanics of these fights.

(10-14-2015, 05:48 PM)asiangirl Wrote:  Would you ever consider making a bard rotation? I'd be willing to donate for a quality one from you! :) Tried to PM you but you have it disabled.

The only time I'll make a profile is if there isn't already a good one available. I haven't tried any of the available profiles yet as I haven't played BRD since Heavensward's release and need to level it to 60. I'll be getting around to it eventually.
Most of the existing BRD profiles work pretty well except for one consistent sticking point, which is that there's no way to consistently make the bot use Barrage on Empyreal Arrow only. Much like other similar things, the bot has a tendency to not pick up the buff from Barrage correctly, or not chain correctly, or already queue the next attack while using Barrage so it ends up getting wasted on some other random skill. If you can work around that, you'd have a better profile, but with the nature of the bot, it seems a bit tricky.
(10-16-2015, 07:10 PM)amackenzie Wrote:  Most of the existing BRD profiles work pretty well except for one consistent sticking point, which is that there's no way to consistently make the bot use Barrage on Empyreal Arrow only. Much like other similar things, the bot has a tendency to not pick up the buff from Barrage correctly, or not chain correctly, or already queue the next attack while using Barrage so it ends up getting wasted on some other random skill. If you can work around that, you'd have a better profile, but with the nature of the bot, it seems a bit tricky.

So the only problem - don't cast Barrage before Empyreal Arrow ready? And after Barrage - use Empyreal ?
With queuing on, and all that, yeah.

Because Barrage is a buff, and BRD off-GCD time is tight because of WM, and Empyreal Arrow is a strange off-GCD with a cast time, it has a high tendency to do something like heavy shot->barrage->(uh oh) Iron Jaws (or some other wrong thing)->Empyreal Arrow. Using chains, it has tendency to get stuck, much like the weird problem mudras often have.

Since Barrage is consumed by next attack, it *must* be consumed by Empyreal Arrow (at level 54+) or Heavy Shot (Below level 54) for max DPS, thus Barrage must always be followed by those --- which the bot kind of isn't great at doing.
(10-16-2015, 07:27 PM)amackenzie Wrote:  With queuing on, and all that, yeah.

Because Barrage is a buff, and BRD off-GCD time is tight because of WM, and Empyreal Arrow is a strange off-GCD with a cast time, it has a high tendency to do something like heavy shot->barrage->(uh oh) Iron Jaws (or some other wrong thing)->Empyreal Arrow. Using chains, it has tendency to get stuck, much like the weird problem mudras often have.

Since Barrage is consumed by next attack, it *must* be consumed by Empyreal Arrow (at level 54+) or Heavy Shot (Below level 54) for max DPS, thus Barrage must always be followed by those --- which the bot kind of isn't great at doing.

Have you actually used the profiles in my thread? Both mine and dn 's have a fail rate of 0 in my testing for Barr>ea.

Queuing is terrible for bard so turn it off. It has to do with the number of off globals there are etc.

My profile doesn't use chains. Instead it uses previous skill not and current action not logic to not use anything but EA during/after barrage and all other skill have a buff check to not get used if you have barrage buff up.

Dn's took my profile and added chains and a filter for opener which works great also. If actually use his if a3 and 4s didn't require such situational cd and dot usage. (Though I have cleared both with extremely modified versions of my old profile utilizing the old skill manager version)

I'll post parse backup for 1-4 in my thread after reset using my profile from my thread. For science a while back though I did do alex 1/2 with the profile in the thread and it single targeted Faust for 1330ish? Oppressors for 1100+ and a2s for over 1500... Just a mater of knowing what to do and when to use filters cool downs etc.
Queuing off makes everything easy for any class, but because of my latency that causes a pretty noticeable DPS drop in all other situations. So, not something affordable for me.
(10-17-2015, 12:10 AM)amackenzie Wrote:  Queuing off makes everything easy for any class, but because of my latency that causes a pretty noticeable DPS drop in all other situations. So, not something affordable for me.

Queueing on on a bard profile is a dps loss, you'll miss iron jaws unless you wanna refresh at t<6 instead of t<4, you'll miss bloodletters, miss a lot of OGCDs ... just sayin, i've tested this in numerous scenarios with various connections, including a shitty work laptop on hotel wifi.
The opener doesn't use the 3 buffs for some reason on your profile Az, normally isn't it B4B > RS > HE all before any skills?

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