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My Astrologian profile
No you only have to buy the quest packs.

All of Sebbs skill profiles are free and a link to them is found in his Class Quest Pack post. Good stuff too.

Looks like someone beat me to it lol.
Meh. If I had a new tester to help me I could fix those issues faster. If anyone wants to be my tester I am in need of a semi high end astrologian.
How high end? I'm 60 and i190something but have literally never played Astro if you know what I mean.
My biggest issue right now which I cannot fix no matter what I do is sometimes the bot will let the card buffs fade. I have looked at every astrologian profile released on the forums but all seem to have that same issue. Most astro profiles seemed to have taken mine for tweaking so all seem to have the same problem with the astro wanting to use the buffs.

Before I finish disable support I really want to fix this but if anyone can help me with this I would be most appreciative. My brother was my original tester before we went to cod. I guess i am aiming a bit high since he was in AS3 on his astro but I just want someone competent with the job to help me test for bugs or suggestions to implement since I about finished with everything that seems imperative to me. Not much else imo to add to the profile that I can think of minus disable support/specific raid encounters and fixing the damned issues with letting the card buffs waste..
I am using this profile1 its great. It seems that the Filter 4:Ascend support with swiftcast. is not working. Dont know it the debuffs ID's has changed, debuff like Blind and poison are not being removed currently.
It worked for me last night when the bot ressed the tank. Which dungeons ate you talking about the bot will not cleanse? I'll add the ids if I know which dungeons. Filter one is dps mode. Two is rail road of spear and shuffle use. Three time dilation and four res support.
(11-21-2015, 11:51 AM)Kiljaedon Wrote:  It worked for me last night when the bot ressed the tank. Which dungeons ate you talking about the bot will not cleanse? I'll add the ids if I know which dungeons. Filter one is dps mode. Two is rail road of spear and shuffle use. Three time dilation and four res support.

the lower one's, cutter's cry, sunken temple

ps: its casts swiftcast, but if thing are going crazy it casts benefic II afterwards and not ascend.
I would turn off filter 4 then until level 60. I am not having any issue with it and you may manually have to use it until I get time to fix it but all level 60 content I have looked at so far it has worked. Even ressed the tank in void ark a few days ago but its set to only res your party and no alliance parties or anything else.
During low level Duty's (doing duty roulette and popped Ifrit normal) It wouldn't heal at all if the DPS filter was ticked on.

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