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Ive noticed when i tried using the 26 miner shard profile it would be near a level 50 boss and i couldn't mine

It also doesn't stealth when near aggro mobs
for the fire shard/crystal location I'd recommend activating stealth, I just had a funny meeting with the lvl50 hunt mob Maahes ;)
(10-18-2015, 01:21 PM)celmaisef Wrote:  I've tried your profile just now.
The char goes farming for fire crystals, then he teleports to mordona and farms clusters. After that he teleports back to camp drybone and stars farming fire crystals again. After a few minutes he stops, he senses a lvl 50 unspoiled close to where he is farming the fire crystals and that's it. Stops moving and just afk's. This with the profile 26 miner shard crystal cluster

Im getting exacly same thing. Whats wrong? have u figured out ?

Edit: its propably because i have mining only. No botany. Can i disable botany ?
Char gets stuck in Mor Dhone, on the route to the nodes. Noticed this several times.
Sometimes it gathers, sometimes it just stands still. Most often it happens with the node that spawns north mostly. Anyone got a fix for this ?
sometimes mine farms grade 4 matter in MD and not the clusters
I am using the (No Cluster Port) Profile. Once it gets to gathering lightning shards/crystals it will only gather 500ish of each, then gather fire shard/crystals to 6666, then it will port to mor donna and stand there.
Try this one
Because its working fine for me after I tinker with it a little, and dont forget set your miner gearset in the profile as its still using mine.

Also I also got stuck when one of my crystal or shard hit around 9970ish dont remember it

local obj1 = {
    ["setup"] = {
        ["gearsetmining"] = 13;
        ["gearsetbotany"] = 14;
    ["tasks"] = {
        [1] = {
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["minlevel"] = 51;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Fire Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Fire Shard";
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Crystals";
            ["mapid"] = 145;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 134.00;
                ["y"] = 8.31;  
                ["z"] = -80.08;
            ["usecollect"] = false;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(2) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(2) <= 9950"] = false;
        [2] = {
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["minlevel"] = 51;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Water Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Water Shard";
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Crystals";
            ["mapid"] = 140;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 98.76;
                ["y"] = 19.78;  
                ["z"] = 94.66;
            ["usecollect"] = false;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(7) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(7) <= 9950"] = false;
        [3] = {
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["minlevel"] = 51;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Ice Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Ice Shard";
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Crystals";
            ["mapid"] = 138;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 486.99;
                ["y"] = 11.92;  
                ["z"] = 334.92;
            ["usecollect"] = false;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(3) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(3) <= 9950"] = false;
        [4] = {
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["minlevel"] = 51;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Earth Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Earth Shard";
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Crystals";
            ["mapid"] = 135;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 257.99;
                ["y"] = 73.48;  
                ["z"] = -318.32;
            ["usecollect"] = false;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(5) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(5) <= 9950"] = false;
        [5] = {
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["minlevel"] = 51;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Wind Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Wind Shard";
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Crystals";
            ["mapid"] = 152;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = -45.79;
                ["y"] = -8.35;  
                ["z"] = 292.67;
            ["usecollect"] = false;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(4) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(4) <= 9950"] = false;
        [6] = {
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["minlevel"] = 51;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Lightning Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Lightning Shard";
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Crystals";
            ["mapid"] = 146;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = -139.03;
                ["y"] = 20.3;  
                ["z"] = -515.8;
            ["usecollect"] = false;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(6) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(6) <= 9950"] = false;
        [7] = {
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["minlevel"] = 51;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Fire Crystal";
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Crystals";
            ["mapid"] = 145;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 134.00;
                ["y"] = 8.31;  
                ["z"] = -80.08;
            ["usecollect"] = false;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(8) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(8) <= 9950"] = false;
         [8] = {
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["minlevel"] = 51;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Water Crystal";
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Crystals";
            ["mapid"] = 140;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 98.76;
                ["y"] = 19.78;  
                ["z"] = 94.66;
            ["usecollect"] = false;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(13) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(13) <= 9950"] = false;
        [9] = {
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["minlevel"] = 51;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Ice Crystal";
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Crystals";
            ["mapid"] = 138;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 486.99;
                ["y"] = 11.92;  
                ["z"] = 334.92;
            ["usecollect"] = false;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(9) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(9) <= 9950"] = false;
        [10] = {
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["minlevel"] = 51;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Earth Crystal";
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Crystals";
            ["mapid"] = 135;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 257.99;
                ["y"] = 73.48;  
                ["z"] = -318.32;
            ["usecollect"] = false;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(11) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(11) <= 9950"] = false;
        [11] = {
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["minlevel"] = 51;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Wind Crystal";
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Crystals";
            ["mapid"] = 152;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = -45.79;
                ["y"] = -8.35;  
                ["z"] = 292.67;
            ["usecollect"] = false;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(10) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(10) <= 9950"] = false;
        [12] = {
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["minlevel"] = 51;
            ["maxlevel"] = 60;
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Lightning Crystal";
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Crystals";
            ["mapid"] = 146;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = -139.03;
                ["y"] = 20.3;  
                ["z"] = -515.8;
            ["usecollect"] = false;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(12) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(12) <= 9950"] = false;
        [301] = {
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Fire Cluster";
            ["minlevel"] = 50;
            ["mapid"] = 156;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 510;
                ["y"] = -3.3;
                ["z"] = -429;
            ["highpriority"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["dangerousarea"] = true;
            ["resetdaily"] = true;
            ["eorzeaminhour"] = 1;
            ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 4;
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Clusters";
            ["unspoiled"] = true;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(14) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(14) <= 9950"] = false;
        [302] = {
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Ice Cluster";
            ["minlevel"] = 50;
            ["mapid"] = 156;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 510;
                ["y"] = -3.3;
                ["z"] = -429;
            ["highpriority"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["dangerousarea"] = true;
            ["resetdaily"] = true;
            ["eorzeaminhour"] = 5;
            ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 8;
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Clusters";
            ["unspoiled"] = true;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(15) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(15) <= 9950"] = false;
        [303] = {
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Water Cluster";
            ["minlevel"] = 50;
            ["mapid"] = 156;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 510;
                ["y"] = -3.3;
                ["z"] = -429;
            ["highpriority"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["dangerousarea"] = true;
            ["resetdaily"] = true;
            ["eorzeaminhour"] = 9;
            ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 12;
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Clusters";
            ["unspoiled"] = true;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(19) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(19) <= 9950"] = false;
        [304] = {
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Earth Cluster";
            ["minlevel"] = 50;
            ["mapid"] = 156;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 321.23;
                ["y"] = -9.32;
                ["z"] = -484.32;
            ["highpriority"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["dangerousarea"] = true;
            ["resetdaily"] = true;
            ["eorzeaminhour"] = 13;
            ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 16;
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Clusters";
            ["unspoiled"] = true;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(17) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(17) <= 9950"] = false;
        [305] = {
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Wind Cluster";
            ["minlevel"] = 50;
            ["mapid"] = 156;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 321.23;
                ["y"] = -9.32;
                ["z"] = -484.32;
            ["highpriority"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["dangerousarea"] = true;
            ["resetdaily"] = true;
            ["eorzeaminhour"] = 17;
            ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 20;
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Clusters";
            ["unspoiled"] = true;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(16) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(16) <= 9950"] = false;
        [306] = {
            ["type"] = "mining";
            ["radius"] = 300;
            ["item1"] = "Lightning Cluster";
            ["minlevel"] = 50;
            ["mapid"] = 156;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 321.23;
                ["y"] = -9.32;
                ["z"] = -484.32;
            ["highpriority"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["dangerousarea"] = true;
            ["resetdaily"] = true;
            ["eorzeaminhour"] = 21;
            ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 0;
            ["skillprofile"] = "(Gather) Clusters";
            ["unspoiled"] = true;
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(18) < 9950"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(18) <= 9950"] = false;
return obj1
Anyone else having issues in lower la noscea mining earth shard/crystals? I get stuck zoning back and forth. Any ideas how to fix would be great... So far I just comment out task 4...
anyone has the skill profile? the link seems missing
im a bit new to the whole botting thing,

I just downloaded this and I have a question..

How does one go about getting it to skip around in the script.

say, I want to farm water shards using this script, but I dont want to wait around for it to run through the entire task list to get to it, how would I do that?

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