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DPS Test Dragoon
Can someone do a dps test on this and see how it runs.

I just reworked it a bit after the skill manager changes.
Should run fine with Queueing on now too.
Seems to work fine to me, manual assist , as well as in fates on grind. Queuing enabled. Only tested using a level 60 DRG, synced down on level 50-60 fates.
did the buff ever drop off while in combat?
on the dummy i had 100% up time and had the buff ready in case it ever dropped off.
You mean as "Blood of Dragons" ? I was manually moving on the dummy, did not notice it drop when I was hitting the positional moves. Can test more later
It did drop once near the end of the 5 min parse, yet it was recast immediately. 1204 dps / 5 min manual movement parse, no food ,pots , ect ilvl 190
i have no idea if thats good or bad.
Great. No issues I noticed yet. I like like the easy to read/understand filters. Went and downloaded all your profiles to mess around with now. Love your work sebbs
i havnt had time to rework them all yet but i know dragoon didnt work well with queueing previously so i started there
u need to do a filter for buff
what buff?

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