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Fishing profiles
I can't get any fishing profiles to run.  Only fishing markers are working.

I opened the console, set fish debugging on at level 3, started the bot with a profile, nothing appears in the console and nothing happens with my char.

My fisher is level 60, 535 gathering, 452 perception with Tomato Pie.

I've tried (Sebbs) 1-50 Fishing.lua, as well as some profiles that I've written.

This is one I wrote to catch the last 3 Legendary fish I need for the "Feast of Famine" quest.

Did I miss something?

Edit: I read some threads in the fishing profile section that stated weather isn't working properly, so I commented out those lines in the profile, but it didn't change the behavior of the bot.

local obj1 = {
  ["tasks"] = {
    -- Helicoprion
    [1] = {
      ["condition"] = {
        ["ItemCount(2600) > 0"] = true;
--      ["weatherlast"] = "Fog";
--      ["weathernow"] = "Heat Wave";
      ["minlevel"] = 1;
      ["maxlevel"] = 60;
      ["mapid"] = 146;
      ["pos"] = {
        ["x"] = 177.14324951172;
        ["y"] = -1.3769119977951;
        ["z"] = 730.21435546875;
        ["h"] = 1.4940292835236;
      ["usemooch"] = true;
      ["usesnagging"] = true;
      ["usepatience"] = true;
      ["usepatience2"] = false;
      ["usechum"] = false;
      ["usestealth"] = false;
      ["moochables"] = "Storm Rider"
      ["baitname"] = "Sand Leech";
      ["maxtime"] = 30000;
    -- Shonisaurus
    [2] = {
      ["condition"] = {
        ["ItemCount(2605) > 0"] = true;
--      ["weatherlast"] = "Clear,Fair";
--      ["weathernow"] = "Blizzard";
      ["minlevel"] = 1;
      ["maxlevel"] = 60;
      ["mapid"] = 155;
      ["pos"] = {
        ["x"] = 589.59008789063;
        ["y"] = 302.43878173828;
        ["z"] = -159.88134765625;
        ["h"] = 1.4875903129578;
      ["usemooch"] = true;
      ["usesnagging"] = true;
      ["usepatience"] = true;
      ["usepatience2"] = false;
      ["usechum"] = false;
      ["usestealth"] = false;
      ["moochables"] = "Cloud Cutter,Mahar"
      ["baitname"] = "Hoverworm";
      ["maxtime"] = 30000;
    -- Kuno the Killer
    [3] = {
      ["condition"] = {
        ["ItemCount(2599) > 0"] = true;
--      ["weatherlast"] = "Clear,Fair";
--      ["weathernow"] = "Blizzard";
      ["minlevel"] = 1;
      ["maxlevel"] = 60;
      ["mapid"] = 156;
      ["pos"] = {
        ["x"] = 461.7158203125;
        ["y"] = -4.7705907821655;
        ["z"] = -754.19647216797;
        ["h"] = 1.0872189998627;
      ["usemooch"] = true;
      ["usesnagging"] = true;
      ["usepatience"] = true;
      ["usepatience2"] = false;
      ["usechum"] = false;
      ["usestealth"] = false;
      ["moochables"] = "Silverfish,Goldfish,Assassin Betta"
      ["baitname"] = "Honey Worm";
      ["maxtime"] = 30000;
    -- Idle
    [4] = {
      ["mapid"] = 339;
      ["pos"] =  {
        ["x"] = -717.61645507813;
        ["y"] = 17.983554840088;   
        ["z"] = -826.22802734375;
      ["condition"] = {
        ["ItemCount(2600) > 0"] = true;
        ["ItemCount(2605) > 0"] = true;
        ["ItemCount(2599) > 0"] = true;
      ["complete"] = {
        ["ItemCount(2600) > 0"] = true;
        ["ItemCount(2605) > 0"] = true;
        ["ItemCount(2599) > 0"] = true;
    -- Baits
    [101] = {
      ["condition"] = {
        ["ItemCount(2600) > 0"] = false;
      ["minlevel"] = 1;
      ["maxlevel"] = 60;
      ["mapid"] = 146;
      ["pos"] =  {
        ["x"] = -279.05752563477;
        ["y"] = 8.1080951690674;   
        ["z"] = 381.5188293457;
        ["h"] = 3.1140081882477;
      ["usemooch"] = false;
      ["usepatience"] = false;
      ["usepatience2"] = false;
      ["usechum"] = false;
      ["usestealth"] = false;
      ["baitname"] = "Sand Leech";
    [102] = {
      ["condition"] = {
        ["ItemCount(2605) > 0"] = false;
      ["minlevel"] = 1;
      ["maxlevel"] = 60;
      ["mapid"] = 155;
      ["pos"] =  {
        ["x"] = -412.46417236328;
        ["y"] = 210.89486694336;   
        ["z"] = -273.2922668457;
        ["h"] = 2.6120553016663;
      ["usemooch"] = false;
      ["usepatience"] = false;
      ["usepatience2"] = false;
      ["usechum"] = false;
      ["usestealth"] = false;
      ["baitname"] = "Hoverworm";
    [103] = {
      ["condition"] = {
        ["ItemCount(2599) > 0"] = false;
      ["minlevel"] = 1;
      ["maxlevel"] = 60;
      ["mapid"] = 155;
      ["pos"] =  {
        ["x"] = 242.82293701172;
        ["y"] = 302;   
        ["z"] = -256.14111328125;
        ["h"] = -0.10208177566528;
      ["usemooch"] = false;
      ["usepatience"] = false;
      ["usepatience2"] = false;
      ["usechum"] = false;
      ["usestealth"] = false;
      ["baitname"] = "Honey Worm";
return obj1
Ok, I found my mistake. I was missing a semicolon at the end of the ["moochables"] line.

The profile is working. I guess I'll have to dig through (Sebbs) 1-50 Fishing.lua to see what's wrong with it.
(02-15-2016, 03:10 AM)tadeus Wrote:  Ok, I found my mistake.  I was missing a semicolon at the end of the ["moochables"] line.

The profile is working.  I guess I'll have to dig through (Sebbs) 1-50 Fishing.lua to see what's wrong with it.

Try the store bought profile, 1-60 quest profile its much better.

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