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Genetic's Crafting Profiles 4.0 Edition
well its kind of hard to say what percentage it succeeds with because i havent failed a 3 star yet. its the same rotation as raths 2 star rotation so the cp requirement was based on that. if i knew what your rotation was id be able to compare it to this one

tonight when i get home from work. ill make 200 of the the 3 star eikon mythrite ingots and give you a rough percentage from that. ill only use nq mats
Thanks for sharing!
Update: Slight update to the 2 Star and 3 Star profiles, you should redownload if you downloaded the ones before. Was not able to procure mats for 200 synths of a High Mythrite Ingot but did 32 for a quick test on the HQ rate.

My stats were 906 Craftmanship, 822 Control, 470 CP.
So with the HQ rate test i did on the High Mythrite Ingots, of the 32 Ingots i made, all used NQ materials and control was at 822. 29 were HQ and 3 were NQ, as i watched it i noticed that even with 11 stacks of Inner Quiet on Byregot's it would sometimes only go up to 80% HQ chance. 10 IQ stacks was around 60-75, and 9 IQ stacks having 50% or less. 10 Stacks with Great Stides and good would 100% HQ, same with 11 stacks.

Personal thoughts on things mention and stuff I would like to say.
           <ToT> means Tricks of the Trade can be proced at that part of the rotation.
Just for a reference the rotation is as follows Makers Mark, Comfort Zone, Steady Hand 1, Pbp, Pbp, Flawless x11 and x13 for 2 star / 3 star respectively, ToT procs on the last 2 flawless if all the other flawless were successful, Comfort<ToT>,Inner Quiet<ToT>,Waste Not II, Steady Hands II, Hasty x5, goods will proc precise touch once, and extra for any ToT that proced earlier. Careful Synth II, will check progress to see if it can use a Hasty Touch or another Careful Synth II here, <ToT,Comfort<ToT>,SH2,Hasty/Precise,Master Mend II, Hasty/Precise x3,<ToT>,SH2,Hasty/Basic/Precise x2 based on amount of CP you have and if there is any procs here. it makes one last check to ensure you have enough progress to complete then it will do the finisher, Great Strides *checks condition*, Observe, Byregot's, Careful Synth II to finish.

I'll look into some profiles with using ToT with lower CP requirements and such but these profiles i posted weren't intended for that, this is what i personally use and wanted to share with the community. I haven't seen any other profiles that will proc Tricks of the Trade and work as in depth as what i like it to do so that is why i felt maybe some people here might use my profiles, even if only one person benefits from it i will be happy about that. I'll post one that will do reclaim instead of Tricks tomorrow,

I end up having to craft a lot of 2 star materials like adamantite ingots, astral birch lumber and such and with the crafting order system and this profile it can do it very lazily with good results. Heck if it makes and uses a mix of HQ mats i can even let it craft full sets of i170 crafting gear for myself or friends to use without worry. All while i watch a movie or play another game.
I will benefit from it, just for the bit more in depth ToT and PT checks, I was much to lazy to write it all in. Yet will probably hack it up a bit lol .

Thanks again. So far I have not seen a huge difference in the HQ percentages, yet the math tells me it should be so.
Ye, RNG is a huge pain. 90% success rate on Flawless synth but they fail often enough, let alone how often Hasties might fail. Also good procs are so freaking rare, its a slight improvement using Tricks but still its only slight.
Just incase I failed a crazy amount of Flawless I always put a check in to swap a Hasty to a CSII just encase RNGesus was not smiling on me that day. Like you I am not to concerned on 100% HQ, mass production AFK is my goals.
Updated original post with a slightly changed 2 Star profile, will now expect you to be hitting around 120 Careful Synthesis II progress with 850 craftmanship. A second 2 Star profile was added with the expectation that you will have 718-750 Craftmanship. Please use the appropriate profile based on your stats. Also removed the control requirement since that was useless on the 2 star profiles. The error that caused this update was failure to synth by just a few progress.
on the 718-750 craftsmanship, does it matter if i have 787 crafts or will it cause to complete synth early?
also if i give you my 40dur profile would you be able to check it out, its just for hqing the low lv50-55 recipes but will sometimes not cast sh2
ye i can look at it for you. and yes it is possible on some occassions for the 718-750 dura one to finish a bit early but i think you should be safe. only though i cant be 100% sure.
your 2 star and low receipt are perfect, thanks for sharing.

Here i have a question. I can't find 3 star receipt in bot. could you tell me how to find like Eikon Iron ingot in BOT? So i could try ur 3 star rotation.


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