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Tek's Aetherial v1.3 (Working as of patch 3.3)
(05-08-2016, 02:00 PM)Marakalaid Wrote:  Thank you so much for the hard work Tek. Your profile works extremely well right out-of-the-box, though I have made a few adjustments to it.

At the moment I'm trying to figure out how to force the bot to wait until it regenerates 600 GP before hitting the Ephemeral Node. It has a maxtime and timeout values but it is not always enough to reach 600 GP, even after using a Cordial. Giving it a higher timeout only solves half the problem, as it waits for the timer to complete even after using the node.

Currently, if the bot does not have 600 GP upon reaching the Ephemeral Node (and Cordials are on cooldown), it will attempt to move on to another node, and the whole train derails. My desired behavior is to have it sit at the Ephemeral Node until it reaches 600 GP, regardless of how long it takes, and resume the task afterwards.

clearly you need to read my post above yours...

Edit: well that and for testing reasons, gotta make sure it's flawless, and i did notice it collecting un-collectibles with this new one, but a quick restart fixed it, and i've been using quite a bit and only have noticed it do it once with the new profile(s), probably gonna release a day (which fulls inv quicker) and a night which goes at a slower rate but gets all 5/8+ items one to two at a time, where as the day one will get one to two 2/8+, and i might make a speedy one that does the four 2/8 steady, without messing up like it is atm.
new version with the 8/8 reddit rotation has been released, as always please leave your feedback, thx
Hey Tek,

Thanks for the profile!

If I am using the v1.2 (451+ Fast) profile or 1.2(451+Slow) , what collectable settings should I be using?

Under the collectable menu, there's only 3 mining and 3 botany selections available.

Also, I don't see black soil as an option for a collectable item. How are you gathering it as a collectable with this profile?
Not suppose fuck with the main UI everything needed is already in the files included.

Infact my best advice if you have fucked with the UI is to select items that aren't anywere close to what you'll be gathering for atherial since you can't reset the UI values (ie: use all yellow quartz or w/e) cause I'm pretty sure the main UI values will overwrite my values that I built into the profiles and then shit just won't work like its suppose to anyways
41 downloads, and not a peep? I'm gonna have to go ahead and say that's a good thing i guess?.... So any ideas on what i could possibly tackle next that is much needed? Also not sure but i might release two more profiles eventually where as one will be for Aetherial earth and lightning cluster gathering and the other will be for wind and fire cluster gathering. So the two profiles will be aimed at Lv 58-60 items, and will come with a skill profile that will get you 4 2/8 Aetherial items. Also something I've been working on... well not really working on it anymore cause as far as i can tell it's actually complete and that would be my Aetherial FSH profile that gets, Dravanian Bass, Pteranodon, Caiman, Thaliak Caiman. It works well but there is one thing that bothers me quite a bit game based and that's the fact that you can't select a gathering rotation to get 4 2/8 Aetherial cluster items (because damn water and ice cluster sell for really nice gil :/) also the bot has some serious issues when it comes to fishing, i gotta say the blacklistHQ doesn't work all that well if at all, and one other thing is when it comes time to move to the next location minion will just automatically pull in and keep w/e fish is on the line at that time. so two issues that kinda have to be fixed within minion and well the in game issue of not being able to use a specific gather rotation on fisher is a kinda just deal with it type thing. (probably gonna try to bring up the two fishing issues i've noticed with the dev team to see if it can be fixed, and we'll go from there).

P.S: please leave those suggestions, thx :)

Edit: About that aetherial fishing profile it should be coming sooner then later, sebb's cleared up a small mistake i was making in my lua, in where i was putting HQ instead of hq and well it seems to have fixed all issues i was seeing before the fix, I will continue to test for a bit more and release it in the fishing section soon when i feel that it's 100% ready.
Looks like there are some problems on the bot itself. Since your initial release all my inventory are ONLY COLLECTIBLE items.  With SellOut I made huge profit.  After a huge update some times back then (fix cube to use less memory or whatever?) the bot seems "sometimes" ignore mingp=600.  It accesses the node and dig collectible as normal, made my inventory full of junk.

Previously, 8hrs of farming burnt me 2.5stacks of cordial, now it is less than 99 <-- I can see even GP meets your profile requirement "600" it still sometimes digs collectible as normal ........
I used this last night for the first time, and while it worked great for the most part, I also had issues where it kept switching me to an archer class and equipping the wrong gear.

I had to stop and start the bot several times to get it to work properly, so I'm not sure if that was a user error or perhaps something going on with the profile. :)

Thank you for doing this though, it's fantastic!
OK, I just saw where it said to "Change the gearsets in your profile" on your first post. That was my issue. Doh!
(05-21-2016, 10:03 AM)rafale101 Wrote:  Looks like there are some problems on the bot itself. Since your initial release all my inventory are ONLY COLLECTIBLE items.  With SellOut I made huge profit.  After a huge update some times back then (fix cube to use less memory or whatever?) the bot seems "sometimes" ignore mingp=600.  It accesses the node and dig collectible as normal, made my inventory full of junk.

Previously, 8hrs of farming burnt me 2.5stacks of cordial, now it is less than 99 <-- I can see even GP meets your profile requirement "600" it still sometimes digs collectible as normal ........

No issues that i know of since I've created the new files i haven't seen this issue happen in a long time (since v1.1), my guess is the error was a combo of new cube meshing, a bad gathering skill profile, and slightly bigger then needed radius's in the v1.1 files, but since I've been using v1.2 everything is fine and works like a charm. Be sure to read the requirements and if you do notice it fucking up slightly try to restart the bot but if you're using my favorite version which is the 451+ fast then expect tho get up to a max of 16 blue items (this is normal since you don't want to collect anything below 451). Now if you want the entire inventory Red try 451+ Slow or 301+ Fast/Slow, the profile i use collects blue items on purpose if they aren't 451+ rating. Also this wouldn't be wasting your GP, because the blue items will be only collected on the impulsive appraisal and methodical appraisal rotation when discerning eye doesn't proc therefore using no GP to collect the blue duds.

And the reason it uses less cordials now is because it's doing a much more efficient rotation, which everyone was requesting for the acquirement of sands. If that's your worry, well don't because i'm releasing still another two profiles, one for Fire+Wind Cluster/Crystal and the other for Lightning+Earth Cluster/Crystal, which means it'll go through cordials once again like crazy, because along with those two profiles i'll be including that 2/8 rotation to force the gathering of 4 aetherial items per node, so just be patient and use the 301+ files for now which should 100% gather all red aka collectible items, or the 451+ (slow) which will get only Lv 60 red items.

Edit: Actually neither of the 451+ profiles will do pure red aka collectible items (the 451 fast can possibly get 16 blue and the slow can possibly get 8 blue), the reason being the 8/8 rotation isn't guaranteed and you can end up with a below 451 item based on RNG, and if that's the case the 451+ profiles wont collect it as a collectible because it's below 451 LoL, so if you want pure red aka collectible items in your inventory at the moment use the 301+ profiles, which will guarantee you collecting every item as a aetherial reducible one (the 301+ Fast will do Lv 56-60 items, and the Slow which i recommend using for higher cluster/crystal yields will do only Lv 58-60 items).

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