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EasyMCH Lv50-60 Profile *UPDATED* 3-Apr-2016
(06-02-2016, 02:50 AM)HaltPolis Wrote:  which line is it in skill manager to add the mob ID for disabling onslaughter ricochet?

Target [NOT CONTENT ID] = 4707

I'd get comfortable making these instance by instance changes to your profiles though.  Because if you're not, it will probably mess your profiles up for other stuff later.  Keep many copies of each profile you raid with so that you can keep tweaks organized.

Here is what I get on this fight, keep in mind we're still fully VIT melded.

I disable ricochet and my 2nd Gauss round to open the fight.  I get to almost 13k (sometimes over) wildfire to open. 

10k WF to open on Brawler, and get another weak WF to finish Blaster or whichever robot you prefer.

Full WF (minus RS) to open on Brute Justice.  This one is tricky cuz you wanna promote bishop for MP, get 2 ammo, put rook back out, and prepop buffs so you're casting when landing knockback ends. 

You'll get 4 WF's on Brute Justice, divide them up how you see fit.  Just keep in mind you might need to down another steam regulator and be careful with the Blood for Blood.
this profile has really fallen off....last night i only did 1k dps on nidhogg ex
Mch is really bad on that fight in general. Cool down alignment sucks and unless you do not suck, you'll blow CDs and wf on something that's going to be in targetable for 20 seconds or dead before it goes off all the time. Learn the fight and to use toggles and it will be decent.
(06-25-2016, 02:33 PM)pieman1234 Wrote:  this profile has really fallen off....last night i only did 1k dps on nidhogg ex

Thats user error. The profile hasn't changed, mechanics haven't changed.
(06-25-2016, 02:33 PM)pieman1234 Wrote:  this profile has really fallen off....last night i only did 1k dps on nidhogg ex

instead of complaining, create a profile which "perfectly" fits your needs ;))

Just learn to play with enabling / disabling filters just in time.
My last parse with this profile was around 1510 on NidEX. You still have to learn the mechanics, know the job, and use your filters properly.

This is one of those fights that really loves bards though. I've almost 1700 with easyBard.

So put in some work, use your head, and I'm sure you'll get there with easyMode.
Tips that make this profile easy **for me** to use is to bind your buffs filter and gauss filter to mouse keys for easy access to turn on and off. (assuming multibutton mouse, I have buff on middle mouse and gauss on my mouse 4 key) For NEX as mentioned, downtimes dont align well with mch so learn the fight and when and when not to enter wildfire rotations.
Patch 3.45 broke all EasyMch, EasyDragoon, EasyNinja, EasyMonk, EasyBrd profiles. Please help ;(
Anyone having issues with buffs such as Hawks Eye, Invigorate, Blood for Blood and Raging Strikes not firing?
(12-30-2016, 10:01 AM)Jinsuko Wrote:  Anyone having issues with buffs such as Hawks Eye, Invigorate, Blood for Blood and Raging Strikes not firing?

Manually Place Your Turrets!
Manually Place Your Turrets!
Manually Place Your Turrets!

^ as TS mentioned

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