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so i try to run it but when it gets to Clusters it only gathers Lightening and it filled them now it wont grab any other ones just stays stuck on full
Is there a way to have it use ward skills on Shards rather than Crystals?
Is this still working?
I have issues where the bot won't gather the 3333 shards then move on to next one. For example it will gather 2000 fire shards, then 300 ice then 500 fire etc etc. For some reason will not gather 3333 of each shard then 6666 of each then 9950 of each.
This is a great profile, great work to all who have contributed. I am also curious though about including the ward abilities. I see that they are in the skills profiles included in the original post, but my bot doesn't cast them even though it recognizes the skill profile as being loaded. I'm lvl 50 with enough GP to cast them so I don't think its a level issue. Very interested to hear all of your thoughts, you guys are brilliant.
working on this again.
Nice! Can't wait for the new release.

Does it work without teleporting?
I need a shard farming profile so glad you are working on it. Can't seem to configure the bot myself to do anything i tell ilt too.
firstly working so far so good..
i am wondering if its possible to force the bot to next current task without hitting the conditions?
lets say i have enough of fire.. lets go to water.. etc
do i have to lower the conditions manually?
thank you
What did I do wrong? I downloaded this and tried it out but it only teleported me to Mor Dhona, switched to Bard and assist mode and turned off by itself. 
What does that mean?

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