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Bot not working FFXIV sebbs and latty quest packs
Hello there guys . Is there any chance of making the bot work again? It starts the game but when i press start bot it does nothing. Another problem is when I select sebbs pack 1-50 and press options a blank windows appears and I don't have anymore the options that I've had before, you know,  when you need to select your job e.g. NINJA and force class unlock 15+ etc.

[Image: Capture.png]
[attachment=4617 Wrote:fxfire pid='141968' dateline='1471095298']open the console
make ascreenshot
I'm pretty sure something is setup wrong in your bot settings

It spams console with "failed with ?:0 attempt to call field 'valid' (a nil value)"

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
(08-13-2016, 01:43 PM)Osyrus Wrote:  
(08-13-2016, 01:34 PM)fxfire Wrote:  open the console
make ascreenshot
I'm pretty sure something is setup wrong in your bot settings

It spams console with "failed with ?:0 attempt to call field 'valid' (a nil value)"

Yes , exactly that! What's happening?  Thank you!

This is on lattys quest pack selected
[Image: Capture.png]

And this is on sebbs quest pack 1-50
[Image: Capture.png]

On sebbs pack is goes to grind , but when I press options it gives me the blue box , not the options with force class unlock and stuff
(08-13-2016, 01:34 PM)fxfire Wrote:  open the console
make ascreenshot
I'm pretty sure something is setup wrong in your bot settings

Same for me after the latest minion update, I think something broke it, I even tried reinstalling minion.
(Same error in console, same blank "Debug" Window when clicking "Quest Options")
I tought that you know a fix :)) ... Hope someone will fix it
Hello. Same problem, different addon bought.

Alright, straight away, I can't open my quest option after buying Sebbs Gathering profiles.
When I try to open it by pressing the Quest Option button on the Quest window, it opens a Debug window instead.
When I try to open it from the main bar menu, it opens, but on a blank state.

Additional information that may be... helpful. or not.
It worked just fine all this time, until I bought the said addon.
I TRIED Reloading the LUA, no change. Tried to Reinstall the addon itself, no change. I even tried to Reinstall the whole bot, no change.


* What OS are you running? Win 7.
* What AV is installed? All disabled.
* Where is the bot installed? Deafult.
* Do you have any Anti-Malware installed? Nope.
* do you have Mumble, Teamspeak, Fraps, any other recording software, Nvida Gamers Experience, Raptr, Caytalist Control Center, guildworks,Teamviwer installed? Teamviewer installed, not running, and Discord.
* Did you follow the install instructions? I did, it worked before. ← Lol I said it.
* Are you running the bot as admin? Yeap.
* Are you using the attach button or having minionapp launch the client? Attach
* Are you running any Bot addons? Was trying to. But it has the same problem for all quest profile.

Thanks in advance.

ps. I almost created a new thread. lol.
Looks like a ui bug.

Nothing to do with queat packs so dont report errors in those threads please.
Yes, nothing to do with the quest's pack. But who will solve this problem ? We paid for this so we need support, right? Where to report this problem?
the ffxiv support thread section.... so here...

when its fixed someone will let you know
please let us know when it's done, just re-subscript minion

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