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Before i buy.
Before i buy a 30 day membership. would i get banned/suspended and what are the chances of being caught.
With FFXIV, basically 0% chance unless you abuse teleport hacking.
Ive had 4 bots at one spot for a week straight soulbinding gear and they are still active as of today. As Ace said there is a very low chance of a ban unless u are teleporting in dungeons or out in the open or decide to tell someone that u are botting. Best of luck.
I've done about 800 hours on a single character botting pretty heavily over the past year, no action taken :). As said, teleporting is really the only way to increase your risk massively. However as is always the truth with botting, there is always a chance of being caught.
Been botting for 2 years wih minion only suspension i had was for mount farm over a year ago. so i stand behind Ace.
I also have a question, I am about to purchase the bot, is it possible for me to use one and my friend to use one? Or is it only one per IP?
as many bots as you have keys.
As many keys as you want, but one key per bot, if your friend uses your key while you are using it, you get booted off the game, well the bot anyway.

Very very low chance of being banned unless people report you for stupid things, like gather for 24 hours 7 days a week, teleport hacks, odd occasion where you run against a wall and it keeps jumping up and down, but that shouldnt be a problem as it will teleport (non hack) out, but if you keep doing it then people might report you.

Having said that, 4 bots on my server been using tele hacks to farm unspoiled nodes, some players reported them, been over 2 weeks, still alive and kicking, might be banned soon might not, depends on GM workload
Hi, there is always a chance of getting banned it's just a matter of what you're botting.
As long as you don't use teleport hack, then it is very much safe.
I have been using this bot for 2 years nearly and only had a 5 day suspension on 4 of my accounts after which i got it back.
But there is no way you will get caught if you bot sensibly.
bot smart, bot safe you wont have issues.

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