Easily Make 2 Mil+ A Day (I Make 20'ish Mil A Week)
Warning: Will eat a ton of your cordial's careful it's a beast, but it's pure profit really so it all works out (sometimes I'll just fate for a bit so I can buy my own from GC), and also don't undercut by like thousands undercutting by 1 gil is fine, they're just gonna undercut you again when they see it, and the battles of 1's will ensure highest profit.
Tip: To get 20 mil a week i have to mix in the selling of Cluster, Crystal, and Sands (these profiles currently focus on Clusters & Crystals, but I've released a Sands focused profiles as well, should go check it out as well). Hopefully this money maker can help minion get some more subscribers, not as much free stuff laying around as there use to be.
-Change the gearset #'s in the profile (very important)
-Botany & Mining @ Lv 60 /w 600 GP (not sure if there is a min gathering and perception number as i had decent gear already)
-Discover all items to be gathered. (or let the bot go around and do it at a 25% success rate LoL getting a bunch of blue items)
-Flying in all Heavensward Zones. (would be a great plus not 100% sure if needed though)
-If you want top speed and max yield I keep 1-2 stacks of cordial's on me. (and nothing else :D)
Aetherial Clusters v1.0 (Earth-Lightning) <- My Fav.
-Gathers Lv 58-60 2/8 items
-Clary Sage, Furymint
-Radiant Fire Moraine, Bright Fire Rock
-x2 Radiant Lightning Moraine, Bright Lightning Rock
-x2 Black Soil, Peat Moss
Note: Mainly created for gathering Earth and Lightning aetherial Lv 58-60 items while I'm around.
Aetherial Clusters v1.0 (Earth-Night)
-Gathers Lv 60 2/8 items
-Clary Sage
-Radiant Fire Moraine
-x2 Radiant Lightning Moraine
-x2 Black Soil
Note: Mainly created for gathering Earth and Lightning aetherial Lv 60 items while I'm afk.
Aetherial Clusters v1.0 (Wind-Fire) <- My Fav.
-Gathers Lv 58-60 2/8 items
-x2 Clary Sage, Furymint
-x2 Radiant Fire Moraine, Bright Fire Rock
-Radiant Lightning Moraine, Bright Lightning Rock
-Black Soil, Peat Moss
Note: Mainly created for gathering Wind and Fire aetherial Lv 58-60 items while I'm around.
Aetherial Clusters v1.0 (Wind-Night)
-Gathers Lv 60 2/8 items
-x2 Clary Sage
-x2 Radiant Fire Moraine
-Radiant Lightning Moraine
-Black Soil
Note: Mainly created for gathering Wind and Fire aetherial Lv 60 items while I'm afk.
Tekz Aetherial Gathering v1.2 (SkillProfile)
-My custom made version of the 2/8 rotation to gather 4 items.
Q: How do you change the gear-set #'s in the profile?
A: Open up the profile you want to use in your favorite text editor (ie: notepad), and change '["gearsetmining"] = 19;' & '["gearsetbotany"] = 18;' to match whatever your gear-set's are in-game for mining and botany (you're only changing the 19 and the 18, to what your numbers would be).
Q: Why am I still collecting blue items?
A: You shouldn't be. Might want to check your minion collectible menu in-game and make sure none of the items being gathered are in there.
Q: Under the collectable menu, what settings should I be using?
A: Everything was built into the profile itself, so don't worry about that (I created these mainly as super example files :D, because the one that came with minion was missing some imporatant stuff), Also may I add if you have any of the items being gathered already selected you should select something else not gathered by this profile.
Q: What do i do with this .rar file?
A: It's just like a zip file (kinda), and should be openable by free software such as 7-Zip. ('C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion\LuaMods' is where you can find the ffxivminion folder where you can then find GatherProfiles, FishProfiles & the SkillManagerProfiles folders, pretty sure you can also just drag and drop my whole ffxivminion folder over the other one and it'll only add/replace new/updated files)