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Evac Point not doing anything during fate grind?
Saw a post over at the subscriber section, but figured it belongs here.

Setting an evac point for Fate grinding doesn't seem to do anything. Fates will end and bot will sit in place until another fate meets criteria and then move there. Last time I actually had to use grind mode for fates, I would put my evac spot in the middle of the map for efficiency but now it is not doing anything.

Loos very suspiciously too when several people just stop in place
I have the same problem.

Press the Evac button of Grind window in the rest position.
However, Some area position is recorded, another some area is not recorded

For example, North Thanalan will be recorded, but the Eastern Shroud is not recorded.
I use the yokai addon to forcibly set the evac :D
It is wonder, we were able in the Yo-Kai addon.

However Yo-Kai addon will not work properly with Japanese client of FFXIV.
I must be in English client. :(

I compare the code of the yokai.lua and ffxiv_task_grind.lua
The GUI of the Grind, there is a button of "SetEvacPoint".

This is the 497 line
GUI_NewButton (winName, GetString ( "setEvacPoint"), "ml_mesh_mgr.SetEvacPoint", group)

I think that is displayed on the GUI in this code.

I thought a look at the code of ffxiv_task_fish.lua.

if (GUI: Button (GetString ( "setEvacPoint"), 20,100)) then
     ml_mesh_mgr.SetEvacPoint ()

It does not exist code above to ffxiv_task_grind.lua.
Therefore it SetEvacPoint is not to not work?
The following code of ffxiv_task_fish.lua
if (GUI: Button (GetString ( "setEvacPoint"), 20,100)) then
     ml_mesh_mgr.SetEvacPoint ()

It was dead code that has been commented out.

GUI_NewButton () function, which is specified in the third argument of the function, if it is assumed to be called back from the system when the button is pressed.

Why EvacPoint is not set?
I can not understand the mechanism that Yo-Kai addon to work and call the ml_mesh_mgr.SetEvacPoint () function.

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