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Sense [Raid Warnings/Triggers]
Is there any good way to debug the profile, I wrote a profile, but it doesn't work.
I found that Sense cannot read lua which has too many lines,like 100 lines?, so it's hard to make a complex timeline profile.
I tested A10n.lua - a friend got it about discord.

Edit Line 7 and 12 like this:

--runcode = "SendTextCommand('/echo New Profile Alex 10.')"

So that no text is shown but nothing happend in the fight.

Enable Profiles
Display Warnings - on

local profile = {
    name = "[Raid][Normal]Alexander 10 Breath of Creator",
    triggers = {
        {     detect_chat = "FoxhoundTest",
            sound = "New Profile Alex 10",
            helper_image = "New Profile Alex 10",
            --runcode = "SendTextCommand('/echo New Profile Alex 10.')"
        {     detect_action = 6832, -- channelingid
            sound = "Stay away from buttons",
            helper_image = "Stay away from buttons",
            --runcode = "SendTextCommand('/echo Stay away from buttons.')",
        {     detect_action = 6833, -- channelingid
            sound = "Go to Middle",
            helper_image = "Arrows !! Stay in middle",
        {     detect_action = 6862, -- channelingid
            sound = "Stack",
            helper_image = "Stack",
        {     detect_action = 6863, -- channelingid
            sound = "Tank Buster",
            helper_image = "Tank Buster",
        {     detect_action = 6866, -- channelingid
            sound = "Move",
            helper_image = "Move !! Frontal Aoe",
        {     detect_action = 6812, -- castingid
            sound = "Four Players Marked",
            helper_image = "Four Players Marked",
        {     detect_action = 6861, -- castingid
            sound = "Four Players Hit",
            helper_image = "Four Players Hit",
        {     detect_action = 6840, -- castingid
            sound = "Go to Boss",
            helper_image = "Go to Boss",
        {     detect_action = 6841, -- castingid
            sound = "Away from Boss",
            helper_image = "Away from Boss",
        {     detect_action = 6864, -- castingid
            sound = "Mass Heal",
            helper_image = "Mass Heal",
        {     detect_action = 6679, -- castingid
            sound = "Heal Tank",
            helper_image = "Heal Tank (mini tank buster)",
return profile
Sense can definitely read more than 100 lines, your code is bad in some other way.
(10-16-2016, 03:18 AM)Ace Wrote:  Sense can definitely read more than 100 lines, your code is bad in some other way.

I think it's problem of Sense, after I edit my lua in the profile folder, Sense cannot find the lua file that I just edited. I have to move it to other folder and change the name of the lua, then move it back so Sense can find it. Also, it may crash the client if I change the lua file name, and reload lua modules if I didn't do what I mention above.
I'm going to say.. no. I will add an error output for files in the next version. If it doesn't find the file, then you edited it incorrectly and it could not load it.
This is not a Sense problem this is bad lua.
Hm. that answers don't helped me. Bummer, i really like to use it and because i don't know how to write that lua i took one what was postet in discord. Then i will remove it if there is no support yet.
what was your question?
It' s good u add a error output. However, once Sense read my profile, the client crushes, or Sense even can't find my profile. so I can't check where i get wrong. Can you make a error check tool? I believe it's very important because most end-game savage raid has very complex timeline, and hard to write it correctly directly for us.
You need to upload your file your file if you want me to check it.

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