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Trigger [Machinist][Combat Routine]
5 ammo
reload OOC: on
AOE: on
DOTs: on
Smart AOE: on
Smart DOT: on
CDs: on
interrupts: on
Quelling: off
Promote: off
paused: off
Potions: off
Perma: off

Rend/dismantle: manual
Gauss: manual
Turret: manual

I copied your stuff and changed it to mines, so much to type xD
With these settings it uses interrupt, and it uses invigorate fine, however it won't use blank or any other CD.
I tried on both Assist and Grind modes.
ACR on high performance, 32bit minion.

For the CD part it uses both reload skills, but I've never seen it use blood for blood, raging strikes, hawk's eye, reassemble, blank, rapid fire, wild fire.
For the torrets I don't have it set to auto since it spam use it every few steps, I like to set that manual.

I was running fates and dungeons, never palace, same happens if I have destroy on/off.
I am level 42, everything works fine other than those abilities never being used.

I went to do some fates on grind mode again, didn't reload the bot or anything or changed jobs, and it starts using abilities now other than blank, which is checked, I really have no idea whats going on.
I had it doing fates from 42 to 44 and it used everything expect blank.
Ace, i'm gonna use EasyMCH till this is fixed, there's something seriously wrong with the script here. No gauss round, no quick reload, then when i move in combat, the script is just freezing and doing nothing. AoE isn't using Grenado shot when using the set public var in the setup. Its using the wrong turrets for the different situations (always using bishop)
Not sure if this will be of any help, but I've noticed while doing fates, at level 35ish and below it uses all skills available fine. I'm not so sure at what level exactly is stops using skills.
This is with the same toggles on as I had above.
Updated script, GB + Reassemble still a bit iffy and not firing when it should. Turret is still popping to bishop when its a single target boss on auto mode (tested in sohm al hard)

Other than that, its seems a lot more efficient!
i still think there is sometimes something wrong with Gauss Round ... sometimes it wont use for 1-2 minutes not even once. just at openener and then it wont use it anymore ???
Make Trigger Great Again! pls!
any word on this? Its totally not optimized at all. straight up not using several skills
(02-08-2017, 04:37 AM)Mazriel Wrote:  any word on this? Its totally not optimized at all. straight up not using several skills

You might want to say which skills its not using just to be more specific.
It never seemed to use Reload, but but it WAS using Quick Reload yesterday all the time in combat.  Now after today's update, it doesn't look like its using Quick Reload, Reload or Lead Shot.  Hit up the 60 Training Dummy and some A and S ranks Hunts.

Quick Toggle On: 5 Ammo, AOE, Smart AOE, DOTs, Smart DOTs, Interrupts, Blank.

"DOTs Used" Settings:
Instance (Tier 1): 35%/1.50
Instance (Tier 2): 20%/3.00
Non-Instance (Tier 1): 15%/0.75

Edit: Oh and CDs never worked since I got it, but I'd rather do those manually so I don't care.

Edit: I think I found the problem. After the most recent update, my profile was on "Trigger" not "TriggerB" (also the UI Custom was all reset). Switching to TriggerB is much better. Quick Reload, GR, and Lead Shot works.  Reload still doesn't though.
Does the conditions to use Promotion have to be set any special way? I use manual rook placement but it doesn't seem to work for me.

EDIT: Reading the notes it should be automatic? The only reason I don't use the Auto setting is because it will continually replace the turret unnecessarily making it miss turrets shot oppurtinties/lowering dps in the process.

EDIT2: Does Destroy override Promote?

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