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Scenery (Sightseeing Log addon)
Updated :)
Everything should be fine now
Revolt, Dominion, Dailies, Poacher, Navigator, FPH & Scenery support on Bottox Discord.
Seems to be working now. After every spot that needs to /sit bot will get stuck is there any way to make it jump or something before it tries to teleport?
Done, Thank you for sharing errors ;) Update in 2min
Revolt, Dominion, Dailies, Poacher, Navigator, FPH & Scenery support on Bottox Discord.
I impulsively bought this when it became available, but only just had time now to try it, just wanted to say thank you very much! Works like a charm, very much worth it to me, especially since I have multiple accounts
Thank you Zyday!
We will add cool things in the future on Scenery! Stay tuned ;)
Revolt, Dominion, Dailies, Poacher, Navigator, FPH & Scenery support on Bottox Discord.
Having a possible bug or something I messed up, but a few log entries it'll go to, do the emote, not get credit for it (But will be standing in the right spot), then just check it as finished and move on to the next, here's the debug of it:

For 15 it would just stay below the vista and never TP, but would spam the debug with it trying to go there, but when i went there someone was afk on it, so guessing that was the radar stopping it, so was wondering, any chance you could add a "yolo!" option, for people that don't mind looking suspicious appearing on top of a sight seeing log? lol
Yeah we already had this bug. We wrote it in the FAQ since we don't know why we can loose a spot like that. You go there, do the emote and nothing happens. I had this problem with the spot 80. I had to do it 10 times before validate it. Really weird. Since Time, Weather, Pos, and emote are good, i really don't know why it's happening sometimes.
The Yolo option is here, just put 0 on Radius. And yeah, AFK people prevent you from TP if your Radius is not on 0.
Revolt, Dominion, Dailies, Poacher, Navigator, FPH & Scenery support on Bottox Discord.
Ohh, I know my minion acts really funky when I leave it open for too long, so I began questioning if it was that, nice to know it's not just me! Thank you again, and yeah I tried manually doing it and it didn't work either, I'll set it to 0 then, sorry for not checking the FAQ's first, but only smart people do that!
haha no pb!
And yeah, it seems crazy that manually doing the emote goes to fail. It's not bot side, but game side. I did manually 10 times the spot 80 before i validate it.
Revolt, Dominion, Dailies, Poacher, Navigator, FPH & Scenery support on Bottox Discord.
Everything is working today now except 1 thing, #1 is a tiny bit off the vista, but I was there for it so I just manually did it, it stands here:

Tried stopping and starting a few times to see if it keeps standing there, and it does, besides that, having 0 problems today

And if this was already reported too, I quit!

Actually I just saw it doing 7, 15, and 19 with the wrong weather, 7 at the wrong time and weather, and 15/19 with just the wrong weather. Was "Clear Skies" when 7 needed "Fog" and 15/19 needed "Clouds". All the rest went perfect though

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