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Is this still working? I will be away for days and I would like my bot to be doing something while I'm away..

(sorry for double post)
(04-11-2017, 07:01 AM)vilcheat Wrote:  What did I do wrong? I downloaded this and tried it out but it only teleported me to Mor Dhona, switched to Bard and assist mode and turned off by itself. 
What does that mean?

opengrip Wrote:  
not sure what im doing wrong? No clusters works fine but whenever i try the cluster one he just switches into a war gearset and the bot changes into grind mode.... :S

Assign your Miners gearset number to 1 and botanist to 2 and you will be golden.

first page of this thread ,
Hey there,

first of all thanks for the nice script! For me it works properly but there is one thing I don't understand yet:

I edited the file to let the bot farm every shard/crystal for the amount of 2k and switching to the next one.

local obj1 = {
    ["setup"] = {
        ["gearsetmining"] = 1;
        ["gearsetbotany"] = 2;
    ["tasks"] = {
        [1] = {
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["radius"] = 150;
            ["item1"] = "Fire Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Fire Shard";    
            ["minlevel"] = 26;
            ["mapid"] = 134;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = -238.61;
                ["y"] = 15.33;     
                ["z"] = -381.62;
            ["normalpriority"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = false;
            ["gathermaps"] = false;
            ["skillprofile"] = "Crystals2";
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(2) < 1"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["ItemCount(2) <= 2000"] = false;

So far so good... As I noticed the bot stopped to farm for example fire crystals at the amount of 354 and switched to the next. Is there any random value in the script implemented that I didnt notice?
If not, can anybody tell me what I did wrong? (Would love the option to randomly switch for acting more like a human tho)

Hopefully u can understand what I try to say since my english is bad :/

Thank you alot in advance,



nvm me, just tested it a few hours with empty inventory and everything seems to work like a charm. Seems like the irregular amount of shards I got before messed up the counter a bit.
Nah, I don't get this to work - it drives me crazy, been testing on 32 and 64 bit Version, read all the posts and docs I could find and I just don't find the answer...

local obj1 = {
    ["setup"] = {
        ["gearsetmining"] = 1;
        ["gearsetbotany"] = 2;
    ["tasks"] = {
        [1] = {
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["radius"] = 150;
            ["item1"] = "Fire Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Fire Shard";    
            ["minlevel"] = 26;
            ["mapid"] = 134;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = -238.61;
                ["y"] = 15.33;     
                ["z"] = -381.62;
            ["normalpriority"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = false;
            ["gathermaps"] = false;
            ["skillprofile"] = "Crystals2";
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(2) < 9500"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["GetInventoryItemGains(2) >= 20"] = true;
        [2] = {
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["radius"] = 150;
            ["item1"] = "Water Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Water Shard";    
            ["minlevel"] = 26;
            ["mapid"] = 137;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 322.73;
                ["y"] = 32.64;     
                ["z"] = 611.64;
            ["normalpriority"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = false;
            ["gathermaps"] = false;
            ["skillprofile"] = "Crystals2";
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(7) < 9500"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["GetInventoryItemGains(7) >= 20"] = true;
        [3] = {
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["radius"] = 150;
            ["item1"] = "Ice Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Ice Shard";    
            ["minlevel"] = 26;
            ["mapid"] = 153;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = -200.58;
                ["y"] = 6.72;     
                ["z"] = 20.94;
            ["normalpriority"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = false;
            ["gathermaps"] = false;
            ["skillprofile"] = "Crystals2";
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(3) < 9500"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["GetInventoryItemGains(3) >= 20"] = true;
        [4] = {
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["radius"] = 150;
            ["item1"] = "Earth Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Earth Shard";    
            ["minlevel"] = 26;
            ["mapid"] = 154;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 248.11;
                ["y"] = -8.67;     
                ["z"] = 13.69;
            ["radius"] = 80;
            ["normalpriority"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = false;
            ["gathermaps"] = false;
            ["skillprofile"] = "Crystals2";
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(5) < 9500"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["GetInventoryItemGains(5) >= 20"] = true;
        [5] = {
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["radius"] = 150;
            ["item1"] = "Wind Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Wind Shard";    
            ["minlevel"] = 26;
            ["mapid"] = 148;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 162.92;
                ["y"] = -26.85;     
                ["z"] = 456.67;
            ["normalpriority"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = false;
            ["gathermaps"] = false;
            ["skillprofile"] = "Crystals2";
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(4) < 9500"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["GetInventoryItemGains(4) >= 20"] = true;
        [6] = {
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["radius"] = 150;
            ["item1"] = "Lightning Crystal";
            ["item2"] = "Lightning Shard";    
            ["minlevel"] = 26;
            ["mapid"] = 141;
            ["pos"] =  {
                ["x"] = 158.58;
                ["y"] = 11.65;     
                ["z"] = 470.65;
            ["normalpriority"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = false;
            ["gathermaps"] = false;
            ["skillprofile"] = "Crystals2";
            ["condition"] = {
                ["ItemCount(6) < 9500"] = true;
            ["complete"] = {
                ["GetInventoryItemGains(6) >= 20"] = true;
return obj1

For what I understand the bot should start farming each shard if the amount of shards is under 9500. Farming 20, go the next task and so on until I got 9500 of each kind.
When I start the script the bots starts farming correctly but doesn't stop - it keeps farming fire shards like crazy.

Please, if anyone of u have a minute give me a clue of what I'm missing or just don't see...  Complaint
I think it repeats obtaining fire shards after it gather fire crystals and that results in a loop. I installed it today and watched some minutes. Its starts with Water clusters till 20, teleports to fire shards area. But there was no way to get 20 fire shards /crystals in series.
Thanks for the clue, I could image that so I tried the script with just Shards since they're available on every node. Unfortunately the same result - it keeps farming fire shards :/

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