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4.0 Samurai - No longer updating



I am brand new to the bot and still learning it, but I have played around with the Samurai and have been able to make a profile that works.

The profile will currently do the three combos and then a midare setsugekka, the finisher, and more, see below for details.

As of the moment, it is a bit confusing and difficult to work with the Samurai (maybe same for Red Mage) in the bot due to the confusion behind ability IDs, since there appears to be multiple listed in the skill manager, and some IDs don't even show up. Using the debugger, it can help to find the correct IDs.

For those who want to help, please do, otherwise, I will use this post to update my profile as best as I can. When someone like Sebbs comes along and wipes the floor with mine, please feel free to purchase/buy his. I am just trying to bide my time currently.

Current version: v1.3c
*v0.3 - Added Kaiten before Sen finisher
*v1.0b - Bunch of stuff.. Consider this a beta, I have not tested everything here...
  • Now prioritizes Meikyo Shisui as an opener, then all 3 SENs, followed by a finisher
  • Should now try to Leg Sweep casting enemies
  • Will cast Feint when it is available
  • Should try to Second Wind when at 50% HP
  • Should try and use invigorate when TP is low
  • Will use Enpi on targeted mobs from a distance
  • Should cast Diversion when HP at 80% and being attacked
  • Should cast Third Eye when HP is at 75%
  • Should use Ageha when target is below 20% HP
  • Should start doing an AoE routine (Fuga, then Managetsu) when there are 3 or more mobs near you. Note: At the current time, i don't see a way to script this for the combo with Oka without having the Sen gauge being reported to the bot some how.
*v1.0c - Improved a number of things not working in version 1.0b, but it still needs more work. Plan to have a newer version out soon.
*v1.1 - Improved a lot and added a lot! (setup to work with base level 60, no other abilities above 60 are involved yet)
  • Higanbana will be placed on a mob if it doesn't have it, it will not be used until your senki gauge is 1, anything greater will continue normal single target rotation. It will do its best to refresh this within 10 seconds of the bleed following off. It will also attempt to use Kaiten if you have the energy to do it.
  • Meikyo should no longer be messed up due to a interruption or cancel on Midare.
  • Fixed Second Wind, now operates as intended and below 50% HP, even out of combat.
  • Kaiten should not be wasted on secondary skills
  • Meditate Routine (Turn off by enabling the Filter for it) - Routine should do the following, if Meditate is up and Yaten is available, it will launch back and use meditate for about 5 seconds (you can tweak this if you wish in the Skills Manager for the Enpi follow up), it will then exhaust the improved enpi by doing it, and then charge back in with a Gyoten. This is not perfect, and not suitable for all situations, this is to try and automate it for bot reasons. Technically, Meditate should be used strategically, in a way the bot won't anticipate, but what this does get you is a net of Kenki for the bot to use for Kaitens and other Gyotens.
  • AoE Routine (Turn off by enabling the Filter for it) - The bot will now attempt an AoE rotation automatically when more then 2 mobs are within a range of 5. It will cast Fuga -> Mangetsu -> Fuga -> Oka -> Tenka Goken. This requires targets for Fugas and Tenka Goken, so do not expect this to go off unless you have a target. I tested this some, and it may need more work, but for now, you can disable it by enabling the filter. May need to increase amount of monsters to kick off AoE combo set to make it more useful.
  • Gyoten Logic (Turn off by enabling the Filter for it) - Gyoten will be cast, if you have the kenki to do so, on the next target once your target is killed. Is useful for fate grinding, etc, it will bounce you between mobs if they are in range. This ability will not be used if you are within a range of 5 from your targeted enemy to avoid over spamming.
  • Fixed Ageha, it wasn't working before... now it works :)
  • Merciful Eyes will now activate after the bot uses Third Eye. Since Third Eye is only used if your hp drops below a certain % it should be useful. Merciful Eyes is another tactic ability, since its cure is based on potency, I believe.
  • Diversion should work now as well (untested).
  • All Iaijutsu finishers will attempt to use Kaiten if available before being used, save the AoE combo, Tenka Goken, will not do this. (Personal choice of mine)
  • Other minor tweaks...
  • As always, this is a WIP, so if something breaks or is majorly wrong, or if you have suggestions for improvements please reply to this thread.'
*v1.1b - Fixed numerous things and changed some filters.
  • Changed AoE and Meditate routines to default OFF, I am not currently happy with the Meditate routine due to the inefficiency of it. I am still brain storming about how to get kenki up with Enpi. Any feedback is welcome on this
  • Fixed Diversion, should work now at 80%, I did not set it to use only in party in case for solo fate farming.
  • Fixed Merciful Eyes, wasn't working before, now it should work as intended
  • Fixed an issue where the bot wouldn't do anything sometimes after casting Meikyo, it should now attempt to do finishers to gain Senki until gone.
  • Tweaked Higanbana some, because it bugs me how it skips it sometimes. This *should* no longer happen. Now it should be the first thing you do. However, if you start a fight with 3 senki, then it won't do it, it will prioritize a midare first so it does not waste the 3 senki. If you have 2 senki however, it will still do it, this is making an assumption that higanabana > tenka goken in single target situations, which this bot excels in. Edit: Also, Higanbana Combo Routine won't be executed if you start the fight with a Kaiten, I need to address this on a future update, basically need to make it so Kaiten doesn't trigger on the start of a fight, it is an easy fix.
v1.1c - More fixes...
  • Added Enpi to be used outside (or inside) of combat at a distance from the target, this can be used as a builder, but keep in mind gyoten will also trigger once kenki builds up. Filter added, can be turned off by enabling the filter.
  • Please ignore the beta meditate filter, leave it off (unchecked) for now, I am working on it.
  • Neutered Meikyo to only cast when no senki is built, and also only cast it when the enemy has your higanbana bleed. This forces the bot to REALLY REALLY prioritize higanbana, and also tries to avoid wasting senki.
  • Fixed Kaiten from being cast oddly, like at the start of a fight.
  • Other minor adjustments...
v1.1d - Sorry for the quick updates and thus having to re-download.
  • Apparently Kaiten was still sneaking in before attacks. I found the culprit and turned it off. Will figure out why later, but it was tied to try and do it with the Ageha ability.
  • Meikyo was still being used after a senki, figured it out was due to a rogue gekko and partly because we can't easily make logic off the senki gauge. Did a little trick, now it should work on a zero senki gauge. If people don't like this, I can change it, also let me know if you would rather it do the Meikyo first before the Higanbana DoT priority. I feel like it should be after.
v1.1e - Minor fixes
  • Added Bloodbath to be used at 45% HP or lower per request
v1.2 - Due to file lock, version c, d, and e, were all the same versions and none of my changes were being saved. I luckily figured out the issue and saved everything done so far to v1.2 file. I am uploading it now.
  • Includes all the fixes/changes above on other versions.
v1.2a - Casual update for today...
  • Added Shinten to be used in the bot. It will use it either at 25 kenki or higher, depending on a few Kaiten checks, and Gyoten when applicable. The bot should never have a tonne of kenki sitting around now...
  • Added some melee Enpi follow ups to single target combos after Gekko and Kasha, this should help gain even more kenki for Shinten, and it doesn't add too much time to the combo. This is apart of the filter for Enpi builders. if you don't like it, check the box and it will turn it off.
  • If you finish a battle at full Senki Gauge, the bot would not do a Midare on the next monster. Instead it would do the builder again even though we are at full senki already. This should no longer happen.
v1.2b - Quick fix
  • Fixed a stray Gyoten that was not configured right.
v1.2c - Fixes...
  • Fixed an issue with Kaiten not being used before a Midare
  • Re-prioritized when to use a Shinten
  • Fixed an issue where Yukikaze was not going off in normal rotation due to the timing changes with Enpi
v1.2d - More tuning (I am starting to see why people use gitHub)
  • Tweaked Shinten, it won't happen as often, it isn't perfect but please remember we can't make bot decisions off Kenki Gauge, as it is not exposed in the scripting for Skill Manager, thus it is difficult to get this perfect. I have been running my bot and I notice I have 20 or so more kenki now then before at a given time for Kaitens.
  • Tried to fix an issue with double Hikaze's appearing as mentioned, not sure if it is totally fixed.
  • Tweaked some values on Gyoten and Enpi distances, to maybe see it happen more often.
v1.3b - Added Hagakure routine, plus other adjustments
  • Bot will now attempt to do Hakaze -> Shifu -> Kasha -> Hagakure at the start of a fight. The requirements for this to happen is if the monster is missing a haganbana debuff, and you are missing shifu buff. Since this is an opener, that is the intent. I have tested this a bunch, but it may still have some issues. I added a filter that if you turn it on (check the box) it will turn this routine off.
  • Because Hagakure has been added, I have decreased the amount of time since last Shinten by 5, this can be adjusted if feedback is negative on this. Please do not ask me to adjust it per Kenki #s, as again, we cannot make decisions off the gauge in the current Skillmanager system.
  • Adjusted Meikyo Shisui to not activate if monster is below 25% HP. I was weary to add this, because while it is great for fates and such, you may lose DPS on bosses, because <25% HP may still be a lot of time to pull off a Meikyo Shisui combo. Please feedback if this is an issue.
v1.3c - Found an issue with Kaiten after 1.3b changes, hopefully it has been addressed, please let me know if not.

I am no longer updating this skill manager. If they ever expose the senki/kenki bars to skillmanager, I will probably rebuild. I experimented in an entirely new profile (SamuraiShoDown.lua) and uploaded it to the post. It mimics the 1 Sen Opener and normal combo procedure seen here:

I feel we have pushed to the limits of the profiles right now and the ACR is beating everything available on this sub forum. I am retiring this main profile as of now, and might return later. The experiment profile I uploaded here was experimenting with the rotation a bit and opener side of things. It was meant for high HP/boss mobs. I stopped working on it, but it is cool if you want to check out the numbers on a dummy and compare. You will find it comes close to others, but is beat by ACR by a few hundred DPS. It doesn't have defense/utility/role abilities in it, like I said I just stopped working on it.

I will continue to probably work on my paladin profile. I mainly did all of this stuff originally to help myself after the Stormblood update since there wasn't a samurai profile released in the start. I hope I helped you guys out. Thanks all :)

As an FYI, here is a great link to theory crafting rotation:

As for my script, it is suited for lower level Samurai (I am only level 53)

There is currently no exposure to the kenki gauge or the Sen gauge, so it is not possible yet to use those in ability logic.

To install, please place this .lua file in your %/MINIONAPP/MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion64\LuaMods\ffxivminion\SkillManagerProfiles folder and then reload LUA in the bot or start the bot if not started, etc.

Lmk if you have any questions and please upload improvements if you make any. My next goals are to improve logic, add in Kaiten, add in logic for AoE, and so forth.


Attached Files
.lua   SamuraiShoDown_v1.lua (Size: 220.48 KB / Downloads: 77)
.lua   SamuraiSho_v1.3c.lua (Size: 323.92 KB / Downloads: 291)
.lua   SamuraiSho_v1.2d.lua (Size: 304.53 KB / Downloads: 571)
I confirm its working, and lvling up my samurai through fates. Great job !
Thank you !
Kaiten has been added to the rotation before the finisher, if you have the kenki, if not, it should just do the finisher without it. Not a big change, but will increase your DPS
Thank you! I was trying to make my own earlier, but this = gives a good base to customize.
Hey guys, I am done for now with this until I can tweak it more or get higher level to start implementing more abilities. I will update when I get to that point, but the latest upload is v1.0b. Here is what it should do:

*v1.0b - Bunch of stuff.. Consider this a beta, I have not tested everything here...

Now prioritizes Meikyo Shisui as an opener, then all 3 SENs, followed by a finisher
Should now try to Leg Sweep casting enemies
Will cast Feint when it is available
Should try to Second Wind when at 50% HP
Should try and use invigorate when TP is low
Will use Enpi on targeted mobs from a distance
Should cast Diversion when HP at 80% and being attacked
Should cast Third Eye when HP is at 75%
Should use Ageha when target is below 20% HP
Should start doing an AoE routine (Fuga, then Managetsu) when there are 3 or more mobs near you. Note: At the current time, i don't see a way to script this for the combo with Oka without having the Sen gauge being reported to the bot some how.
Appreciate the hard work bro ! welldone
Thx Shozsu! Will give a try tonight!  ThumbsUp
Revolt, Dominion, Dailies, Poacher, Navigator, FPH & Scenery support on Bottox Discord.
Some things aren't working still, tweaking them as I can. AoE logic still not working and not sure why exactly, but I have been grinding fates with the profile and it is working pretty darn well. So, it is def usable at the moment.
Regarding the multiple id's for abilities, the ones with "88XX" are the PvP combo abilities.

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