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Problem Gathering - Possible Bug
As of the latest patch of the BOT, when attempting to gather a specific item using a gathering profile, the BOT will only select the first node item in the item list for the node. For example, with Botany on a Lv40 Lush Vegetation Path in Eastern La Noscea just south of Raincatcher Gully Docks, the node's item list is 1-Maiden Artichoke, 2-Ramhorn Zucchini, 3-Mugwort, 4-Water Shard, 5-Timeworn Goatskin Map (hidden rare). In my Profile  I set my Tasks as seen below, however, it totally ignores my item1 declared item and only harvests the first item i.e. Maiden Artichoke. I have set the item1 value to everything on the nodes list and it ONLY harvests the Maiden Artichoke. 

["tasks"] = {
     [1] = {
         ["type"] = "botany";
         ["whitelist"] = "4";
         ["item1"] = "Ramhorn Zucchini";
         ["minlevel"] = 1;
         ["maxlevel"] = 50;
         ["mapid"] = 137;
         ["radius"] = 150;
         ["pos"] = {
              ["x"] = -4.86;
              ["y"] = 39.61;
              ["z"] = 332.88;
         ["usestealth"] = true;
         ["timeout"] = 180;

This was working perfecting fine yesterday, so I am not sure what happened since then.

What does the console say if you try to run it?
Console shows that it is checking for the node's items:

"Checking gardening section."
"Checking special rare item section."
"Checking ixali rare item section."
"Checking ixali semi-rare item section."
"Checking chocobo rare item section."
"Checking regular rare item section."
"Checking chcobo item section."
"Checking unknown item section."
"Checking regular item section."
"[Gather]: Using Gather [0]."
"LT_GATHER->Update() returning"

So, it looks like it is not finding any matches in any of the sections and then defaulting to the first item in the nodes list i.e. [0].
Hm no error, weird - may you select gather debug in gather mode, too or it is checked?

local obj1 = {
    ["setup"] = {
        ["gearsetmining"] = 17;
        ["gearsetbotany"] = 16;
    ["tasks"] = {
        [1] = {
            ["minlevel"] = 1;
            ["maxlevel"] = 70;
            ["mapid"] = 137;
            ["radius"] = 150;
            ["pos"] = {
             ["x"] = -4.86;
              ["y"] = 39.61;
              ["z"] = 332.88;
            ["type"] = "botany";
            ["item1"] = "Ramhorn Zucchini";
            ["skillprofile"] = "G_Multi_Gathering";
            ["gathermaps"] = true;
            ["dangerousarea"] = true;
            ["usestealth"] = true;
            ["timeout"] = 180;
return obj1

Try that file - that works for me fine.
Yes, I have Gather Debug checked and took a look at all 3 debug levels to see if there may be more detail to let me know what was going on. 

I just tried your profile, copied into visual studio and saved it as lua. Loads up fine, but does the EXACT same thing as mine. No matter what value I set my item1 to, it just ignores it and harvests only the first node item. I'm stumped.

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