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Genetic's Gather Profiles and Achievements
Getting stuck in peack nav error even with the mesh from yesterday
Need to adjust your collectability rating for your raw imperial jade and some of the others to be at 470 not 450 just an fyi. I made the adjustments in notepad++ so if yall need to until its updated <3
(07-27-2017, 07:05 AM)tw1sted Wrote:  
(07-26-2017, 09:21 PM)bluebat1122 Wrote:  im running into the same issue with red script farming to get books for yellow script farming. It just stands around in multiple zones and wont fix itself until i restart the profile/ For me the main issues arrise in The Ruby Sea and mor dhora, it just ports and stands there.

have the same issue

Did you  figure this out mine is  doing the samething.
(08-02-2017, 11:39 PM)tbo Wrote:  
(07-27-2017, 07:05 AM)tw1sted Wrote:  
(07-26-2017, 09:21 PM)bluebat1122 Wrote:  im running into the same issue with red script farming to get books for yellow script farming. It just stands around in multiple zones and wont fix itself until i restart the profile/ For me the main issues arrise in The Ruby Sea and mor dhora, it just ports and stands there.

have the same issue

Did you  figure this out mine is  doing the samething.

i was trying to use automine from 60-70 but he dident grabt Collectebels he only farmt the long grind way also was testing the Red thing only to grab the scripts waht i need becouse its the faster way but he only standsstill in mordona
So it seems that these won't use my gear set list to switch to the correct profile needed to gather. I have them set to your defaults of 2 and 3 but whenever I need to go gather something if i'm a different class and start the bot it wont switch to the correct class to then go gather?
do you have auto equip with the bot enabled?
and 60-70 does grinding. collectable was too much work to make. i can get to 70 in a day so why would i bother making a collectable one.
its supposed to idle in mor dhona. but in the ruby sea it should be flying to go to the location. are you using the official mesh?
Genetic will the yellow scripts just hit a spot and then teleport back to mor? IS that what its suppose to do like wait for times of day instead of hitting diffrent spots and moving btw the min/bot? just seem like he sits alot. wanna make sure i got the settings right
Using the mesh that auto downloads. Is there another i should have?
I will grind to 70 and test again have i am to delet the old files in Navigation folder?
The profile "gathering yellow" isn't working at all since it does the wrong rotation. It never gets enough collectability to get yellow scripts.
I'm having the same issue. Doesnt seem that it is loading any of the bottox mesh files and keeps spamming D = "[Navigation] - END_NOT_ON_MESH - From [ 119.57 / 118.21 / -751.15] - To - [172.8 / 160.76 / -360.78]", etc. The bottox mesh files dont even show up for me on the Navigation Manager.

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