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[x64 Module] Daily Hunt Assistant (EN/DE/FR/JA/KO client only) [Updated: 30.12.2017]
works well except if there is more than 1 mob your hunting near to each other it goes around claiming each one so you end up with a few on you at a time
Level 3 Clan Marks (HW): Vundu Totem is not in Database, thanks!

Sometimes there are some meshing issues (nothing you can really do about it) so you have to babysit the bot a little bit if it gets stuck. Has that happened to you when pathing to mobs?
This is very impressive, good job! I did find a mob not in the database. "Whitespark Hepugg Roh" in ARR Daily.
Updated: 1.5.1

- Disabled flag gClaimFirst for grind type hunts (thanks Mlui)
- Added HW "Vundu Totem" (thanks dgcool)
- Added ARR Fate for "Whitespark Hepugg Roh" (thanks Temetito)

About meshing issues - I can't modify bot meshes (because only one person allowed to do it for basic bot meshes) so this problem is bot internal...but I'll try to add some kind of overwatch for stuck with some logic to move around...not sure if can do but I'll definetly try
Found two more ARR not in the DB:

Daddy Longlegs
following, sounds like good work in the making.
Its not working for me, it take me to the location  of the hunt then after a few seconds it teleports away.. and stops..

Oh wait...    Its does that for  U'Gamaro Bedesman one. and 3rd Cohort Hoplomachus one

Worked fine on Bomb Baronone..

Waiting at Chupacabra one for it to spawn.. <---- This one works as well

This is for Marked Bills (ARR Daily) btw
Updated: 1.5.2

- Added ARR Fates for "Daddy Longlegs" and "Matagaigai" (thanks shiner1976)

Spydawg, I tried on my side by executing commands in Console for both targets:
DailyHuntAssistantMode.hunts[1].tasks[1].coordinates = DailyHuntAssistantMode.database.arr["3rd Cohort Hoplomachus"]
DailyHuntAssistantMode.hunts[1].tasks[1].targetName = "3rd Cohort Hoplomachus"
DailyHuntAssistantMode.hunts[1].tasks[2].coordinates = DailyHuntAssistantMode.database.arr["U'Gamaro Bedesman"]
DailyHuntAssistantMode.hunts[1].tasks[2].targetName = "U'Gamaro Bedesman"
Bot arrived to the hunt point and kill hunt targets...So this time it's difficult for me to find out reason :(
Do bot marks that hunts as "Done"?
To where bot teleports? (next hunt or to the Uldah)
Are there any other not done hunt in your list?
Are those targets in you blacklist?
can you add a choice to pick the rest area ie limsa, gridania, uldah, idyllshire and kugane?
Following is errors..  This was for Revenant Marked Bill.

It ran fine to the area, I seen the mobs needed (Had icon over them)
Then ported away to "The Dravanian Forelands"
then sat there with errors..

Hope this helps.

17:7:34> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [64]"
17:7:37> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-488,45,-63], From [-469,48,-61], MapID [148]"
17:7:37> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [true], PathLength [64]"
17:7:39> D = "[AddEvacPoint]: Evac point was not added, it does not appear to be a safe area."
17:7:39> D = "using block 1"
17:7:47> D = "[Teleporter] - MapID Changed Clearing History"
17:7:47> D = "[Mesh Manager] - Map Changed, Loading NavMesh.."
17:7:47> D = "[Mesh Manager] - Loaded OffMeshConnections: #20"
17:7:47> D = "[Mesh Manager] - Loaded CubePolyConnections: #11353"
17:7:47> D = "[Mesh Manager] - Loading NavMesh from File: The Dravanian Forelands"
17:7:47> D = "Saved Settings in File: default.lua"
17:7:51> D = "[AddEvacPoint]: Evac point was not added, there is already one very close."
17:7:52> D = "[Navigation] - MACRO_END_NOT_ON_MESH - From [ 520.72 / -51.12 / 30.39] - To - [-488.27 / 45.18 / -62.69]"
17:7:52> D = "[NAVIGATION]: Move To [-488,45,-63], From [521,-51,30], MapID [398]"
17:7:52> D = "[NAVIGATION]: IsReachable [false], PathLength [-8]"
17:7:52> D = "[GetMovementPath]: We could not get a path to our destination."
17:7:52> D = "[Navigation] - MACRO_END_NOT_ON_MESH - From [ 520.72 / -51.12 / 30.39] - To - [-488.27 / 45.18 / -62.69]"
17:7:52> D = "[GetMovementPath]: We could not get a path to our destination."
17:7:52> D = "[Navigation] - MACRO_END_NOT_ON_MESH - From [ 520.72 / -51.12 / 30.39] - To - [-488.27 / 45.18 / -62.69]"

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