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4.0 BRD
It's funky right now because Minuet Recast varies everytime based on the Paeon stacks before it. Can't figure out how to read time left on songs via gauges yet.

I've had to disable final PP at end of Minuet because of this. If you want to tweak PP, just find where I entered '3' under the gauges, and make it a '2'.
6.00 and final release unless something major breaks.
Looking at the skills page has me crosseyed, ty so much for the work you put into this profile. You did a great job!
This is great, since the new update it will not apply Dots with it on or off? Any idea why?
It will apply them in the opener, but will not reapply
Are you on a striking dummy or dungeon? HP values for dots are set for 8 man raids. Halve them if you want to use for dungeon.
btw something has changed
for example
> Refulgent Arrow doesnt work cause Straighter Shot buff ID is now 130 and not 122
and prolly something else
Oh, did straighter shot and straight shot ID's flip flop?

nope, nvm!!! did find a bit of logic problem on empy barrage though.
the minuet opener doesn't seem to be working correctly
Can you elaborate please? Been working for me. Did it work previously for you?

Could have been the recent Minion update. Some funky things started happening last week.
Just wanted to post what I've accomplished with this profile on this patch. If anyone else has results or ideas for improvement please POST! :D

These are FFLOGS historical percentages versus world for BARD (ALL ORANGE!). And our comp is not the meta either, so room to improve with a different party setup!!!

Alte Roite 97
Catastrophe 98
Halicarnassus 99
Exdeath 95
Neo Exdeath 95

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