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[x64 Module] Daily Hunt Assistant (EN/DE/FR/JA/KO client only) [Updated: 30.12.2017]
Thank you for your work! This saves me so much headaches....
(12-07-2017, 07:50 AM)Vin Wrote:  After the update It would move to the spots where the mobs are but doesn't target them, once you target manually it starts attacking

Is this problem still occurs?
I'm testing on the latest update and I guess it was fixed.
Yes It has been fixed, it's not the profile problem it was the general minion update, once it got updated it was fixed.

I would like to say thank you for this amazing free addon/profile, and the continuous support your giving in a very "good manner".

I think it amounts to about 2mil EXP daily or so.

Again, appreciate your effort and good manners.
1. confirm box pop-up on reset
2. "skip" button that skips current hunt, and goes to next

Also having targeting issues.

Also noticed on Gazelle, Specter, and Qalyana Shudra, the bot stays in one location waiting for mob to spawn, when there are plenty of mobs around.
Hi, lanceangel!
For suggestions thank you, but I don't really think those should be done:
1 - "confirm pop-up for Reset" For myself I set "Save state" option to Checked so I have to click on Reset every it would be additional everyday work for me to confirm this pop-up. Have you ever missclicked Reset button? :)
2 - "skip button for current hunt". Well, you already kinda can do it by marking hunt as Done...Any special reason for it? :/

> Also having targeting issues.
I did test on current version with latest bot update - targeting seems working fine...Can you please execute this 3 lines in console and watch if bot will target them?
local name = "Qalyana Shudra"; local contentId = 5690; DailyHuntAssistantMode.hunts[7].tasks[1].coordinates =[contentId]; DailyHuntAssistantMode.hunts[7].tasks[1].coordinates.contentId = contentId; DailyHuntAssistantMode.hunts[7].tasks[1].targetName = name
local name = "Specter"; local contentId = 5728; DailyHuntAssistantMode.hunts[7].tasks[2].coordinates =[contentId]; DailyHuntAssistantMode.hunts[7].tasks[2].coordinates.contentId = contentId; DailyHuntAssistantMode.hunts[7].tasks[2].targetName = name
local name = "Gazelle"; local contentId = 5697; DailyHuntAssistantMode.hunts[7].tasks[3].coordinates =[contentId]; DailyHuntAssistantMode.hunts[7].tasks[3].coordinates.contentId = contentId; DailyHuntAssistantMode.hunts[7].tasks[3].targetName = name
After the bot update, it's spamming the following and opening the console

[Image: BwYl4HP.png]
anahronik, if you could make an add-on for fate farming, with customizable maps by level, that would be amazing.
we need this because you have the code to kill adds that aggro you when doing fates. the normal bot doesn't target adds that aggro you in fates, and then u end up dying.

i wanted the skip button because i just started doing HW and SB hunts for EXP. and if i have alot of fate hunts left, and it's stuck waiting for a fate, it would be nice to have a simple skip button to go the the next fate hunt, instead of having to dig through the menu to find current hunt, and click done. then i have to unclick it again. this way i can manually check all the fates, see if they are active, and knock 'em out

also, can you add an option in settings to use chocobo companion all the time? i have it checked in bot settings, but it's not using it

also, had another target bug with Kobold Bedesman. attached photo.

also, Stagnant water sprite just stands near aetheryte
Ok, not today but:
Plans for weekend:
1) Investigate console spamming with "index 'entity' (nil value)" (thanks Mamoth)
2) Investigate hunt for Stagnant not moving from aetheryte (thanks lanceangel)
3) Somehow add chocobo summoning for non-fate hunts as well (thanks lanceangel)
4) Maybe modify non-fate hunts in some way to prevent mentioned in first post behavior: "And bug-like behavior was discovered: some mobs are participating in fates from time to time, for example some Kobolds in Outer La Noscea. Bot comes to them and just stay near them without attack even when there is no FATE - those mobs still have attribute fateId as if they are part of current fate and that's why bot is not attack them...after some minutes this attribute will go off and bot will kill them. "
5) Modify (as a stand alone add-on) Grind Mode to attack aggro adds while doing fate (thaks lanceangel)

lanceangel, I'm sorry, but I still don't understand skip button. "fate hunts" - they are always ARR 4 and 5 and if you want not to wait them than you need only to turn on option "Don't wait for FATE if there is non-fate hunts"...
I can't add button if I don't understand reason for it...
Thanks anahronik!

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