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Bard - Ultima (Ultimate) version!
Bard - UWU and Patch 4.4 release

Added my debloated profile for the new tier.  UWU still good if you're still prog'ing that one.

Still does all dot refresh and rotation manipulation to optimize all boss untargettable jumps for o5s-o8s and UCoB.  Be sure to switch to God Kefka profile for o8s God phase!

UWU changes:

  • Had to tweak the opener slightly
  • Added all targets that should NOT be DoT'ed
  • Rotation changes for all boss jumps to not waste Minuet and Raging Strikes
  • Added Re-Opener logic to start each boss with best burst dmg (needed for high DPS groups due to phase push)
  • Added logic to DoT refresh for certain boss untargettable periods
As always, Foe Requiem and Pot manually at -3secs to the pull.  You can now optionally Pot after Straight Shot in the Opener.

Also, besides the Garuda Troubadour, all defensive CDs are manual.  Use them to their best effect or whenever your healer/tanks want them!

Since Ninja timings are so awful in UWU there will be no version with Ninja.  Ours switched jobs for this Ultimate fight.

Couple more tweaks coming as we re-do the fight.

Attached Files
.lua   (SB) Bard 4.4.lua (Size: 654.89 KB / Downloads: 383)
.lua   (SB) UWU Bard 101.lua (Size: 634.45 KB / Downloads: 290)
Please allow us just a bit of rest friend! We just have a couple final phase things to check out for the trios. We will then give you this good and free stuff.
Does this work pre-70?
which jobs does this profil reqest? i have try this profil yesterday on a dummy it works for the opener so far but its not using Iron Jaws so the dots falls off
@super4uwak You can turn the HP requirements down to zero and it would work on dummy. I'd removed all the extra entries for dummy targets just because the profile is already huge. There is more than just DoT's I've adjusted HP values and conditions for.

@Rudneck This is tuned for lvl70 bard only since it gets so huge when you add all the conditions for all the current endgame content.
Is this better / equal / worse than ACR version?
I do not have the ACR, but according to the couple people that have contacted me it's better for endgame trials/raids. But lacks in level capped areas because it's purpose built for lvl 70. So a trade off that is up to you! I couldn't do world prog with ACR solely because so much stuff changes in such short time during early prog and you cannot manipulate the store bought ACRs as much as you can the skill manager (at least yet).

Plus you need to learn how to manipulate skill manager profiles, in the least filters 1-5. I find that easier than lua coding my own ACR though.
i wanna try the skill profil, which of your profils can you recommend to use for weekly o5s-o8s!?
DRG works good if you can do most jumps manually (cuz drg things). MCH has lockups still that I've not really looked into all that much (but is just OK). Ninja is really latency dependent I've heard, but decent. RDM is great cuz I've actually put an opener on it (I still don't think the paid ACR has an opener?).

BRD is the only one I update for endgame content and all the specific things that go on in each instance. The others that update their profiles have been to bashful to post them unfortunately.

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