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Daily Hunt Assistant EW Update [Updated: Dec 19th 2021]
<p>I have updated the xdaily hunt assistant mod now for EW.

Please note some areas are locked by MSQ or flight. That said i did my best to put positions that are reachable by land when possible.

please report any issues so i can fix them.

Thank you.



Installation / Re-Installation

  1. download the attached zip
  2. extract it
  3. move/copy/over-write entire folder 'DailyHuntAssistantMode' to the LuaMods folder 'C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion64\LuaMods\'
  4. If currently in-game and bot is attached select 'MMOMinion' -&gt; 'Reload LUA'

What it does

  1. Set-up mode: It will read your daily mark logs and store the monsters in a database
  2. Run mode: It will find the monsters in the database and kill them


  1. Set bot mode to 'XDaily Hunt Assistant'
  2. ensure 'Setup' is clicked
  3. start bot
  4. Click on the location you'd like to get your marks: Grand Company / Foundation / Kugane / The Crystarium
  5. Accept each hunt log
  6. go into your special inventory and open each hunt mark log and scroll through each mob on each hunt mark log


  1. Set bot mode to 'XDaily Hunt Assistant'
  2. ensure 'Run' is clicked
  3. start bot
  4. Bot will now locate and terminate all hunts on your log, or die trying.

Managing Hunts

  1. Clicking on the buttons of each log 'Mark Bills (ARR)' (for instance) will bring up a window which will show the name of the mob and the status. Either 'done' or 'failed'. You can manually set the status of the hunt as failed (if you want to avoid certain hunts bc of your level) or as 'done' if you have already killed the mob before setting up the bot.
  2. Clicking on 'Reset' will remove all mobs from the database. You will need to re-open the mark logs while in 'XDaily Hunt Assistant bot' mode and while set up mode is on in order to re-record the hunts.
  3. This bot won't know what marks you have already killed before setting/resetting up the bot. If you add a hunt that was already killed to the database the bot will kill it endlessly. If you use the reset option, be sure to click the button of the marks and manually set their status as 'done' if they are already killed.
  4. Bot has settings.
  5. Settings - General: | Idle Location: Where you go after everything is dead | Grand Company: Your GC for selecting the GC Huntboard | Move Timeout: if you havent moved for whatever reason it will port back to your idle location | Save State: I recommend you set this as on bc its helpful if you get disconnected or log off | Don't Wait for Fate: i recommend this setting as on. This will do all non-fate ARR mobs first, and then go to fate locations for the rest |
  6. Settings - Job Switch: See explanation in the GUI
  7. Settings - Companion: Set the Chocobo mode: Free / defender / healer / dps | Set when to summon Chocobo: Never / Always / Fates only

Special Note:

  1. In order to use the job switch function you must set the Auto-Equip Gearset number in the main bot. To do this click: MMOMinion -&gt; FFXIVMinion -&gt; Settings -&gt; Auto-Equip
  2. Match the gearset number of your jobs and input it in the appropriate boxes


1st off, a big thanks to anahronik for creating this mod. Thanks also goes to users lanceangel, itsu, and kali who have helped contribute to anahronik's mod.



You may find me on discord: gafgarion#1120


Update - 7/31/19

  1. updated max level under Xdaily Hunt Assistant: Settings -&gt; Job Switch -&gt; Low/High
  2. I have removed Chocobo Stance Function, it will rely on FFXIVMinion settings which is under: MMOMinion -&gt; FFXIVMinion -&gt; Settings -&gt; Companion
  3. I have updated the position for SB Mob Phoebad

Update - 7/14/19

Kali has given me localization for all hunts for French / German / Japanese. This bot will now work for these client languages. Thank you Kali!

  1. I have added localization support for FR / DE / JP Clients
  2. I have added SHB hunt Sea Anemone - This should be all SHB hunts please let me know if i missed any
  3. I have improved the location of SB Hunt Muu Shuwuu - Previously when trying to get this hunt character would be prone to spanning out indefinately while on a mount
  4. I have improved the hunt location of SB Hunt: Gasame - previously ive seen the character stop in the middle of the air and not go anywhere
  5. I have improved the hunt locations of SHB Hunts: Sulfur Byrgen, Evil One, and Debitage

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 80.89 KB / Downloads: 2,423)
Just tested it and worked perfectly. Thank you!
I didn't try it out yet so i can't say if it works with other languages, but i can help with german translations if needed.
Thank you i would appreciate that! Open up db_localization.lua (open it with notepad) this has a list of mobs in this format.

contentId = 8630,
name_en = "Tempest Swallow",
name_de = "",
name_fr = "",
name_ja = "",
name_ko = ""

Thinking about it now... it will likely not work with other languagues (at least for SHB) as it is looking to match the name on the hunt log game element to list in that file. For instance, early on I had misspelled ronkan with ronkon and it didnt add the mob to the db so i made sure i spellchecked them all before releasing it.
Yes its not working for german but nvm will play in english after main story again ;-)

thanks for your work
Thank you very much!
omg thank you a lot ;)
i cant use this mod.
i try to check mob in crystarium, but dont change 0/1/5...
What language are you using? Did you click the set up button, then toggle bot on, and then looked at the logs, and finally click the arrow to the right/left to cycle thru all marks in the log?
Filled in the german names, checked the spelling but if there seems to be an error let me know and i'll check again.

Just tested it with todays daily hunts and worked quite well :)

Attached Files
.lua   db_localization.lua (Size: 157.3 KB / Downloads: 26)

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