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Beta Findings
pc isn't bad lol, maybe I'm doing something wrong, mappign the entire area? Idk. But my pc has never struggled with anything.
Well, keep in mind that the game is drawing lines to determine walkable areas... Once you are done meshing, it's done.
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn...
- Login Dialog - my login always fails on the first attempt and then always succeeds on the second without changing anything.
When you want to map an entire area, you need to do it in pieces, then merge the pieces toghether with MeshLab (google it).
Quick tutorial for merging meshes with MeshLab (quoting fxfire)
Quote:<@MMOMinion> <Stefan> drag both meshes into meshlab
<@MMOMinion> <Stefan> on the menubar -> layers icon
<@MMOMinion> <Stefan> then rightclick them -> flatten layers
<@MMOMinion> <Stefan> nuder filters are "remove duplicate vertices" and same for faces , use both once
<@MMOMinion> <Stefan> them export mesh, uncheck normals and the color or whatever it is
- Button for perma-sprint hack

Localized button label in languages.lua
/cygdrive/d/Games/SquareEnix/MMOMinion/LuaMods $ diff minionlib/languages.lua ../../test/LuaMods/minionlib/languages.lua
<         sprint                          = "SprintToggle",
<         sprint                          = "SprintToggle",
<         sprint                          = "SprintToggle",
<         sprint                          = "SprintToggle",
<         sprint                          = "SprintToggle",
<         sprint                          = "SprintToggle",

Add button to UI
/cygdrive/d/Games/SquareEnix/MMOMinion/LuaMods $ diff ffxivminion/ffxiv.lua ../../test/LuaMods/ffxivminion/ffxiv.lua
< ml_global_information.BtnSprint = { Name=strings[gCurrentLanguage].sprint,Event = "GUI_REQUEST_SPRINT_TOGGLE" }
<       GUI_NewButton(ml_global_information.MainWindow.Name, ml_global_information.BtnSprint.Name , ml_global_information.BtnSprint.Event)

Add event handler for button press event
/cygdrive/d/Games/SquareEnix/MMOMinion/LuaMods $ diff minionlib/ml_task_hub.lua ../../test/LuaMods/minionlib/ml_task_hub.lua
< ml_task_hub.shouldSprint = false
< -- sprint toggle
< function ml_task_hub.ToggleSprint()  
<       ml_task_hub.shouldSprint = not ml_task_hub.shouldSprint
<       -- don't reset information when we stop or else we lose debugging info
<       if (ml_task_hub.shouldSprint) then
<               ml_debug("Enabling Sprint")
<               GameHacks:SetPermaSprint(true)
<       else
<               ml_debug("Disabling Sprint")
<               GameHacks:SetPermaSprint(false)
<       end
<       --ml_debug("Task Hub Update: "..tostring(ml_task_hub.shouldSprint))    
< end
< RegisterEventHandler( "GUI_REQUEST_SPRINT_TOGGLE", ml_task_hub.ToggleSprint )
Ranged is running into melee to attack.. Haven't figured out how to get it to grind. It just runs straight to fates and sits there afterwards doing nothing. I have grind marker set up but idk.
The easy route is to just set the mode to grind, then in the grind settings enable Fates (not fate only), and it will go the ones on the Mesh.

Too, for useful info.

Grind markers tell the bot which areas of the bot are safe to kill monsters in based on its current level. The bot will spend a random amount of time in the vicinity of each grind marker killing monsters before moving on to the next marker. If you have fate grinding enabled, the bot will go to a fate when it is available and then return to the current marker when the fate is completed. If you have no grind markers on your mesh then the bot will pick a random spot to grind in.
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn...
I'm not seeing the same level of intelligence, at the moment with the grinding, as I saw in GW2. My bot is happy to stay (what seems to be) forever in one spot and farming mobs 5+ levels lower (using included navmeshes). I've set up some grind markers and it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. In fact, my character usually just stands still, rarely walks at all, and just kills mobs right there. It's still beta, for sure :)
You're saying the opposite of what I'm saying. Don't do that! It makes me look stupid! :happy:

You did set levels for your markets?
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn...
ya. I must be doing something wrong or there are still a few beta bugs to be fixed first. I got to CNJ 9 tonight using Bot. Had to move a bit myself between spots. Not really able to do much Navmesh work. Still crashes too much for me to enjoy that right now.

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