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[Outer La Noscea] [34-40] Level grind mesh
Just go to the location, chose you skill profiles, click start bot and go to the bed Happy
Non aggro mobs, fate is close but you should never pull it. Constantly killing and pulling mobs very minimal movement for range.
Dont forget to chose Plasmoid34 mesh on mesh menu.
[Image: 068f0327baab92ad04723031f356a803.jpg]

.rar   Plasmoid grind.rar (Size: 17.78 KB / Downloads: 179)
Hey Evane, thanks for converting this profile from viper to minion. Even copy pasting Non aggro mobs, fate is close but you should never pull it. Constantly killing and pulling mobs very minimal movement for range. =)
I was too lazy to make new screenshot and description =)Took what was ready. If any prob i can edit topic =)
nah man lol. It's a great zone to grind lol. just giving you a hard time.
THIS MAP DONT START !! do fate check and uncheck1
What lvl are you? You need 34 lvl to startt. I think bot cant attack mobs lvl better then you. Wait bot update where we can setup atk lvl mobs
okkkk understood i'm 32 right now :p

is a mesh for lvl 34 to ?
Yes. Today new update. You can change grind level
Even copy pasting Non aggro mobs.

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So for some reason my guy won't rest at the percentage I set in ffxiv minion only on this mesh. I have tried setting a evac point a few meters away and at the aethernet nearby. Neither worked. So, eventually he'll get down to near death health and he stops using all abilities and only auto attacks until he's dead. Very weird behavior and didn't do any of this on a previous mesh (costa del sol) from another creator.

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