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Wow nice update. :)
Ya Great update, having issues with mount though, it runs a bit, then go flippetyflip, keep turning real fast in same place, then move a bit again.. oh, and mount and sprint on same time, makes it try to sprint while on mount, making the error sound... but so far I love the update, keep up the good work...

The mount option was not supposed to be exposed, it doesn't work properly with the current navigation code. For anyone reading this, PLEASE DO NOT ENABLE MOUNT CURRENTLY AS IT WILL MAKE YOUR BOT SPAZ OUT

I'll get it taken out as soon as I can rouse one of the update server admins.
Sprint works like a charm though :)
Ok where to start I have only done the gathering bot currently so I suppose I can tear that one apart first.

The Good
- Mesh Paths are fantastic look very natural
- Lots of LUA options and scripts made by people very nice
- Sprint between nodes is nice and looks natural

The Bad
-Bot always Crashes, I assume this is a known issue
-Mining Bot has major issues, does not use half the abilities that are available to miner.
-Mining stokes are inconsistent, when you first start mining it will do 2x mining back to back instantly faster then what the system allows you to do it with via KB or Controller almost like a turbo mode.
-Markers are not always properly recognized by the bot, inside the mesh, setup Water and Fire Shards Water at 6 and Fire at 5, only Fire worked as a marker, water would not work, water ability popped and started mining fire again.
- Mining abilities used immediately when GP is ready instead of waiting for next node
- Bot does not detect mobs unless they are included in the mesh for stealth, bot should detect my level and mob level then see if stealth needs to be applied if the mob is within 20 yalms automatically.

- IMO I appreciate the effort put into this bot by the creators, but 13 dollars per month may not be worth it (this is based of GW2 bot prices), I can see like $5.99 or something if you have to update memlocs after patches once every 3-4 months, but the current price is a major turnoff to many including myself. This thing would have to be totally 100% cake to get me to subscribe for that price, right now with the bugs and not knowing when you plan to release this thing fully to public, I cannot see myself paying that kind of money.
That price is based on?
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn...
(10-14-2013, 04:58 PM)z0mg Wrote:  That price is based on?

GW2 Bot, go to GW2 bot and take a look at what they charge, as of right now this bot would cost more monthly then the game based off those prices. This bot has potential and a lot of it.

The Creators have done a damn good job so please dont take my criticisms as the worst thing in the world. If there was a forum for beta testing to properly report bugs where I could communicate directly with the Devs id be more then happy to. I'm just the type of person that before I pay for something it needs to do exactly what I want it to.
(10-14-2013, 05:04 PM)R3P0 Wrote:  
(10-14-2013, 04:58 PM)z0mg Wrote:  That price is based on?

GW2 Bot, go to GW2 bot and take a look at what they charge, as of right now this bot would cost more monthly then the game based off those prices.

I really hope that's not the case for this, it's good, but all I'm using it for is gathering... I'm not one of those people running 50 instances with VMware, I'm just one guy, running one client, using 1 bot.
GW2 comes with 2 instances by default and the price was raised.
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn...
saw a obvious gathering botter using mount to gather , summon mount ->gather -> summon mount ->gather, so obvious to tell, dun know it is mmo bot or not xD

ff14 already have a subscription, i hope u guys don't charge ff14 so greedy

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