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Changelog (Updated 30/06/14)
(10-13-2013, 10:13 PM)Alexithemia Wrote:  honestly, i would remove that attacking nearby mobs thing after fate, it's causeing me alot of problems. esp with escort quests - once the fate moves out of range of you, it will attack any aggroed mobs nearby, even ones not aggroed to the player, EVEN ones that are part of someone else's private levequest.

In reality, everyone ignores mobs that may have aggroed to them during the fates and just runs away. It's a waste of time.

It's not an intended side effect, we'll tweak it to get rid of the extras as soon as possible. It's somewhat difficult to provide logic to tell the bot "don't attack mobs unless they're part of fates or you're being attacked by a mob but its not during a fate or right after a fate", but as we get a better understanding of how all that is defined in the client we'll be able to provide more explicit logic to get rid of those boundary cases. It won't be around long term.
(10-13-2013, 04:05 PM)f3re Wrote:  
(10-13-2013, 03:56 PM)filewalker Wrote:  It's suspicious to other players, they probably report you cause they think you could be a bot, se looks deeper into your recent behaviour... bang there you go.

I doubt se has the manpower to have their security team personally look into the behavior of every report that comes through. That being said, everyone is entitled to their paranoia, and it certainly doesn't hurt to be as safe as possible. Mounting is in the bot and ready to go (in fact its in the current lua now, the UI options just aren't exposed). I'm confident that as soon as our navigation guru gets a few minutes free to make some tweaks we'll be ready to go.

Regarding using an evac point, would it be possible to have the bot return to 'a random location within a radius of X' of the evac point instead of sitting exactly on it? This would go a long way to being less obvious about being a bot.
(10-13-2013, 11:37 PM)f3re Wrote:  
(10-13-2013, 10:13 PM)Alexithemia Wrote:  honestly, i would remove that attacking nearby mobs thing after fate, it's causeing me alot of problems. esp with escort quests - once the fate moves out of range of you, it will attack any aggroed mobs nearby, even ones not aggroed to the player, EVEN ones that are part of someone else's private levequest.

In reality, everyone ignores mobs that may have aggroed to them during the fates and just runs away. It's a waste of time.

It's not an intended side effect, we'll tweak it to get rid of the extras as soon as possible. It's somewhat difficult to provide logic to tell the bot "don't attack mobs unless they're part of fates or you're being attacked by a mob but its not during a fate or right after a fate", but as we get a better understanding of how all that is defined in the client we'll be able to provide more explicit logic to get rid of those boundary cases. It won't be around long term.

please do fix this soon, my character sits there grinding mobs around the last fate it completed unless i restart the bot, it does more than 2 or 3, it continually grinds even if new fates pop up.

I think the bot was perfect as far as fates really before the updates, it only needed the sprint and mounting added in.
Would be great to be able to configure how long bot "grinds" per marker before moving on.
"Oct 14 2013 - Done, but not yet Released
Mesh recoding finally records everywhere, no more "tiny holes" where the mesher refused to place cells before
Added a button to delete the last 50 triangles created
SkillManager fix - it wont try to cast heals/buffs on your target anymore (this resulted in casting it over n over on yourself)
Tweaked the Navigation a bit, this solved the problem that the bot sometimes just stood there and continued doing his thing when you manually pressed forward a tiny bit
More to come..."

regarding this .
can you make a button that will delete 50 triangles around our location? ussually we notice the bot getting stuck while using it, not while meshing
e1: also can you make the bot to stop updating (reverting to your version) our skill manager profile?
the grind bot gets stuck quite often compared to the gather version... and its annoying, everytime I restart it to move my pugilist file back (before loging into the bot)
Why don't you create your own skillmanager profile? Copy the default one to a new name, set it like you want it to, and it will never be replaced.
I had my own but I didn't think to save it under a different name... doh ty
Any chance, for the grinding, you can specify a mob(s) to hunt, rather than hunting them all?
I tried to level fishing and it seems to ignore markers. It won't run to them to even get started and it doesn't change markers once started.
I've also had problems where the bot runs to a fate, kills one mob, then runs away to go grind without finishing the fate. This doesn't happen 100% of the time, just every once in a while.
I've watched it completely ignore fates and continue grinding. The fates were well within level range specified and on the mesh. During the same botting session, it might go do these fates later, so I know they aren't blacklisted.
Bot also seems to ignore grind markers and just kills mobs anywhere it pleases.
Bot also doesn't flee at specified health percent. It will stand there until it dies. It actually stops attacking when it's suppose to flee, making the possibility of survival 0%. It will refuse to cast anything at that point. Also doesn't rest at specified health %. It just keeps going.
Also has alot of zone changing issues. Some of them cause the bot to crash. But I've noticed that if I fish bot in one zone, then go to grind in another zone, the bot won't move. I have to completely restart FFXIV and MMOMinion to get it to function.
Bot also seems to randomly pause and I have to start/stop to get it to work.
Also have issues where the bot starts attacking one mob but before it dies, it re-targets another mob and then I have two mobs killing me. Neither mob was aggro'd or a threat until the bot started attacking.

I've got 99 problems but gatherin ain't one.
If these problems are already known or being worked on, I apologize for double posting.
I wonder if you set an evac point. It always flees here, as long as I set one.
Never had issues with miners/botanist markers. Haven't tried fishing yet.
When you change a zone, make sure you have the appropriate mesh loaded (tick show navmesh). And a lot of your problems can be caused by bad meshes. I spent a few hours making mine, and it all goes smooth after.

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