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Tutorial - Fate Grinding
(10-26-2013, 04:15 AM)TerraOmnia Wrote:  
(10-25-2013, 09:19 PM)f3re Wrote:  waitforcomplete indicates a completion % you want the bot to wait for before it enters the fate and starts attacking mobs

Woah are you saying the client actually has the completion % of all fates in the area? or is it just the one you're inside?

Is there a way to get it to continue running towards a mob you're trying to attack when it's walking away from you? Seeing myself stop and inch up and stop right outside of my attack range is maddening haha.

Unfortunately the network doesn't send the completion data until we're actually "in" the fate...that's why the bot has to run up to the edge of the fate radius before it "waits" for the completion percentage to become true. As far as the issue where it keeps taking steps away, I'll make a small adjustment in the melee range check and see if it reduces that happening because I've experienced the same issue recently.
is it possible to set the bot to only complete around 50% of the fate or 60% then run to other fates? provided there are chain fates going on? with that waitForComplete feature?
At the moment the bot has a static completion percentage it waits for before moving on (99% currently I think, or maybe 95%..would have to double check as I changed it recently). We could possibly add a variable control for users if you want to leave early for other fates, although I am concerned about making the GUI too complicated for new users to feel comfortable with. Have you found that fates spawn fast enough to warrant a real advantage to leaving them that early?
Is there a max range for the pathing? I have noticed that in HUGE zones like coerthas it will not go to fates all the way across the map despite those fates being in the correct level range. If I do a fate at a half way point and the 1st one is still up it will then go to it after the halfway fate
another thing I watch with my lightly-dying thauma: When fleeing from a fate, maybe you should check for aggro-mobs nearby when stopping... I see it regularly flee, and then stop in the middle of aggroing mobs, where it eventually dies then ;)
on hte follow fates is there a way to follow closer to the center of the fate
something else: "Rest in Fates" option doesn't seem to save properly, it's always set to on when I load the bot
(11-02-2013, 08:30 AM)lurikeenrock Wrote:  Is there a max range for the pathing? I have noticed that in HUGE zones like coerthas it will not go to fates all the way across the map despite those fates being in the correct level range. If I do a fate at a half way point and the 1st one is still up it will then go to it after the halfway fate

I was using the Coerthas mess from the forums for fates and I had some similar issues. The bot would not move to fate and I would have to move it a little ways down the road to get it to kick in. I had to fix some breaks in the mess to make it work for a few fates. I also had to remblacklist on some of the fates. For some reason some of those fates were blacklisted. After that it seemed to fix most of the issues I had with it not moving correctly to the fates.

I would recommend loading the current mesh up and doing the fates manually looking for breaks or missing mesh. Then just save a fixed version of the mesh.
coerthas is really ugly, also have one from the forums... problem is, I can't work on the mesh, since my PC (which really isn't low-end) comes to a near-halt as soon as I enable triangles and record. Maybe I'll do another fresh mesh only for fates. However, I have a feeling that fates aren't the best thing in my level range (41), I only get ~10k per fate, which means 300 fates per level :/
The behaviour of the bot was changed for fates it seems... it always runs to untagged mobs, in higher level fates (coerthas, northern thanalan) this is a real killer. Usually there are aggro mobs on the way that get all pulled, and in higher levels a single fate mob can be too much... very much dying there, no matter what class

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