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Changelog (Updated 30/06/14)
I usually get gold everytime (provided I'm early enough at the fate). But you can get gold with 6-8k exp and you can get gold with 20-30k with cancer (once had 30k with my archer Solo!, though I was quite near the top of the aggro list).
Can you add "Player TP% <" to the Skill Manager please?
"Target HP >" too please. the actual amount not %
Just some feedback.

Just some time since gathering with this bot. If two separate resources are close together (central shroud for example), the bot likes to start harvesting everything near its Mesh area of influence. Even if you setup a gather marker with item priority. I've worked around this by simply creating individual meshes for the cluster of resources I want to gather. On the inverse, harvest nodes in east shroud can be spread out far enough for bot detection to fail, causing it just stop in its tracks after harvesting its last detectable node even though say on the mini-map there may be other nodes part of the same cluster up. And in this particular case, meshnet was verified to have reached all of the gatherable nodes in that cluster.

Also, I feel like gather markers the creation/item priority functions, need to be consolidated into one tab. One more thing about markers, they need to be able to be individually turned on or off without the profile being deleted. As of right now, as long as gather marker is on the same meshnet, you cannot have multiple markers set up for different resource nodes without either the bot running off trying to harvest those nodes or just stopping completely since it cannot reach the gather marker setup for a different resource node.

There are also some graphical corruption with the bot, which I haven't repeated but have experienced. I had the bot running for a while (not active, just in the background) while doing a WP run. I turned off the bar and when I zoned into WP, the center of right screen had a big black blotch in it. It remained there until I zoned back out. Also, sometimes the bot will start ignoring the 'control+' portion of the hotkeys. And if you press c, rather than control+c, console will pop up. Same thing with the other hotkeys as well. On the first graphical problem, I had both issues (graphical issue+hotkey issue) going on at the sametime. I don't remember if the bot ever self-corrects itself at that point but I do know that trying to activate the reload LUA modules (while experiencing problems like this with the bot) will result in a exe crash. Not terribly specific, I know, but these are just some of the general issues I see without noticing any singular cause.
Chocobo Navigation works but not when doing fates. It goes to the fate, does its thing but starts walking back before the chocobo can be called out and it just walks all the way back spamming chocobo whistle but it doesn't work. It gets to the point fine but can't come back to evac point.
In regards to Character turning very quick, can't you just make it slerp? Or well by the looks of it it slerps, but just change the slerp value to a lower value or expose it? :P
(11-07-2013, 02:41 PM)fxfire Wrote:  its always a battle between beeing able to take sharp n precise turns and smoothing out the walking on the path. the new navi will bring new stuff ^^
I know, but still would be nice to have it turn smooth, can't wait for new navi Nosebleed
Most of the time others won't even notice how fast or smooth you turn.
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
(10-05-2013, 06:00 PM)Powder Wrote:  [*]Assistmode fully implemented, Priority Healer or Damage as well as LowestHealth/Closest can now be selected.
[*]Assistmode can now be fully used as Healbot in and outside of a group

I'm so excited for this!
Trying to fate grind in Quarrymill, character mostly spins around making them walk funny. Now takes forever to get to fates and I usually end up missing them. Is there any way I can un-update the bot? :(

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