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[MODULE] [RENAMED]Gather Helper [8/11/2013] v 1.1
now it only needs to detect +1 to gather bonus before using skills , for when we are not farming shards. :)
+1 attempt? I can put a "+1 attempt only" check...
Updated :P
V 1.1:
  • Changed Module name.
  • Auto food added.
  • Auto repair Added.
Auto repair Added. - how does it work ? :)
Put mins in Time interval (mins) and check Autorepair. It will repair gear (gear repair use gils)
Nice work friend !

Would it be possible to add something like you did for the food, in the ability drop down menu, so that you could detect and add all the abilities from your current gathering class (or put them all in the drop down menu please)

Thanks :)
Sometimes the bot will get stuck at the 4th chance at a node. I must untick Enable in order for the bot to finish mining /botany .
Tested on multiple toons. same thing, nothing appears in console . I will activate log on next time
With ward or other skills?
just with enabled. only wards, no other option
How can i select which Ward skill to use?

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