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[Module] Specific Hunting V 1.993+Mount Select +Chocobo Companion
(11-23-2013, 05:21 PM)clbraver Wrote:  The Mount Select dose not work, It will use the mount you have added in the drop down one time to proceed to a fate but after that fate is down it will just stand there for ever. It will continue on foot if you uncheck use mount.

Take a screenshot of the following.

*With the console as big as it will go.
*Make Sure that with each Screenshot the FFXIV Window is visible with the Status Window open!

-With "Enable Log" & "Log CNE Results"
-With debugging from Specific Hunting enabled.

****Make sure that when you take these it's standing around like you said.
same thing happens for me
Made a very quick fix so that it doesn't attack new targets when your pet is tanking, though it's only working for Titan-Egi at the moment. It's possible to modify this further to include all player pets as well as switching to check that the ownerid is the player instead of just checking the nearest pet to the player. The issue arises because player pets aren't officially classed as party members so the current "Party Mode" method doesn't work for them.

PHP Code:
local petlistEntityList("nearest,contentid=1403")
local petID ""
if ( petlistthen 
    local i
,entity next(petlist
    while (
i~=nil and entity ~=nil
petID tostring(
local el EntityList("lowesthealth,alive,attackable,onmesh,targeting="..petID)
            if ( 
el then
                local i
                if (
i~=nil and e~=nilthen
if Debugy == "1" then
("Target PT Mode, EntityID= "..tostring(e))                            
return e
,entity next(petlist,i)         

Just add that after
PHP Code:
if PartyMode == "1" then 
which is on line 382 in SpecificHunting.lua.
I have a weird sound when the companion chocobo is out, it sounds like part of the whistle sound when you call the mount chocobo, just in a loop... and it's only when I'm moving, really weird ;) (a bit like a police siren ;))
(11-25-2013, 12:38 AM)TauTau Wrote:  I have a weird sound when the companion chocobo is out, it sounds like part of the whistle sound when you call the mount chocobo, just in a loop... and it's only when I'm moving, really weird ;) (a bit like a police siren ;))

There is currently no way of knowing what stance your companion is in, there for I set it up to set the stance every so often while moving.
I typed in the name of the Chocobo companion which I want, but it doesn't seem to summon it :\ The name is "Bite-sized pudding" but it doesnt summon :S
typing in the name doesnt summon a specific companion its so it knows if its in party or not. You have to check mark summon chocobo and then type the name in. also you have to have done the quest at lvl 30 to get teh ability to summono the chocobo.
You mean the main scenario quests? I'm at the quest at lvl 34
its not in the main story, you go to central shroud to get the chocobo summon ability.
Where can I get 1.94? The constant whistling (trying to change stance) is too annoying and I think other people can hear it? Or is it trying to summon the mount? Then I need 1.92.

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