11-13-2013, 07:20 PM
Teleport is already in the LUA API (apparently its so secret our own developers don't even know
Returns a lua table containing a whole list of all Aetherytes.
Teleports the Player to the Aetheryte with the AetheryteID.
The AetheryiteID should be able to be determined using the dev module also. I haven't tested it thoroughly. Writing a quick and ugly hack addon to use it probably wouldn't be too hard. You'd want to overwrite e_fatewait to Teleport to the appropriate AetheryteID, which you could store as a table indexed using your current MapID. In the long run we'll add this code to the MoveTo task so that you can use teleport/return as part of normal movement for any task if it returns the smallest distance, but that won't happen for awhile.

Returns a lua table containing a whole list of all Aetherytes.
Teleports the Player to the Aetheryte with the AetheryteID.
The AetheryiteID should be able to be determined using the dev module also. I haven't tested it thoroughly. Writing a quick and ugly hack addon to use it probably wouldn't be too hard. You'd want to overwrite e_fatewait to Teleport to the appropriate AetheryteID, which you could store as a table indexed using your current MapID. In the long run we'll add this code to the MoveTo task so that you can use teleport/return as part of normal movement for any task if it returns the smallest distance, but that won't happen for awhile.