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Client disappear
I opened the 10 clients with 10 keys, and then disappears after an hour a client.
Has been to maintain the 8 clients and will not disappear client.
make sure you are not reusing one of the keys by accident, if you launch the launcher in the char screen it uses the default .cfg file, which other bots may be using, always launch the bot fully logged in.
I confirm that the problem is not KEYS.
to us every client/key is the same, they have no connection with other keys. So your 10 keys are just 10 users for us, there is no interference between them. If your clients close after 1 hour it has nothing to do with the bot. Are you running all clients on the same machine, are you using a VPN ?
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
yea, i am running all clients on the same machine, and also i using a VPN. VPN is no problem
if i understood you right, you can run 8 clients without problems. what happens when you use the keys from client 9 and 10 with one of the 8 that run stable ? chances are that your machine is just not able to run 10 clients for a longer time. Why do you think that the vpn is not causing problems ?
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
I have been ping to check network VPN is no problems.
(12-09-2013, 12:37 PM)Powder Wrote:  make sure you are not reusing one of the keys by accident, if you launch the launcher in the char screen it uses the default .cfg file, which other bots may be using, always launch the bot fully logged in.

I wasted hours on teh same problem. I think I had duplicate key store in autologin. I delete the .cfg in the main folder and problem seems to be resolved. Next time I started the bot, it asked for my key.

Please update your tutorial if what you say is true. Tut claims we can open the bot at character select screen.

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