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FFXIV Minion Update 09/12/2013
Hello Minions.

Today we pushed out an update that has some anticipated additions and fixes.
  • Crafting mode now works with the skill manager, and yes it tracks inner quiet stacks :)
  • Added a "+" condition to buffs. "+" works like an 'and' "," works like an 'or' ie. "124+125+126,156" = "buffs 124 AND 125 AND 126 OR 156" It would need all 3 of the buffs 124 125 and 126 OR 156 to pass the condition
  • fixed a bug that disabled buff condition evaluation if you had no buffs on
  • added a IsMoving check to casting if the skill is not an instant cast, it will not attempt to cast a action that has a cast time while moving in assistmodes
  • added stealth to fishing
  • added death return to both fishing and gathering
  • added "Combat Range %" setting to Grind menu...set between 1-100 to determine where ranged class stops to fight (75 is default)
  • a few other minor back end fixes

We are working feverishly at redoing the marker logic to make it easier to use.

The next major update will be the MarkerManager, which takes all the marker setup from the MeshManager and GatherManager and places it in a single location. It will be extremely easy to add/remove fields on existing marker types or create new marker types, which means we can push out requested marker changes/fixes immediately rather than having to rewrite our *.info parsing code every time we make a change. It also means that addon devs can make their own markers for any new wacky functionality they come up with. It will also include the ability to setup a list of markers for each marker type which the bot will use in the order you define. Each marker in your list can have a separate time, and duplicate markers will be allowed, so you can determine exactly what you want the bot to gather/grind and for how long before moving on to the next objective. Included in the update will be new fields for current markers such as a contentID or mob name field for grinding, etc. We should be doing internal testing this week for a public release around this weekend or early next week.
Thx for the update

Love the feature. Return on death in gather/fishing modes.
Really +rep on the "ismoving" check, does it count outside assisent mode? Like while i'm grinding +FATE mode..
Will be testing the "+" feature for buffs also thx for that guys!!
nice work guys.

Please try to add re-logger as soon as posible :)
Thx for the update =)

1st bug.

Crafting mode, skill_editor:

Quality <
Quality >=
Quality <
Quality >=
woot for the +, will test it on summoner fester
(12-10-2013, 12:59 AM)idurus Wrote:  Thx for the update =)

1st bug.

Crafting mode, skill_editor:

Quality <
Quality >=
Quality <
Quality >=

one is suppose to be % and the other is the actual value ... teheheh oops
(12-09-2013, 08:49 PM)rexmundi Wrote:  Thx for the update

Love the feature. Return on death in gather/fishing modes.
Really +rep on the "ismoving" check, does it count outside assisent mode? Like while i'm grinding +FATE mode..
Will be testing the "+" feature for buffs also thx for that guys!!

the ismoving check is actually in all modes, it was put in for assist modes though.
ismoving and + working flawlessly, tested on titan didn't get hit even once because i was force casting. thank you!
So trying to use the new crafting and it seems to not work so well. Why is rumination not being used and sometimes it is? Is it something I setup wrong?

~~removed giant annoying image~~
posing your settings would be more helpful...

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