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can't get fishing to work

I want to get fishing to work... the problem seems to ly within the Gather Manager, as soon as I activate it, the bot just stands still (it does go to the marker, but doesn't start fishing). As soon as I deactivate it with the attached settings, it starts. What's wrong here? I'm level 37 currently

[Image: n2h5j4.jpg]
add your .info file for that mesh to the post please.
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
Have the same problem.. seen this post and thought.. hell yeah forgot about fishing :P
Loaded up a mesh from Latty so no personal mesh.. as i don't have any fising markers placed.

And tested.. and yes it goes to marker.. and stands there.... shutdown Gathermanager.. and it start casting.. without my selected bait...

Nothing to see in console.. with try with and without "lua mods/addons"

[Image: 2q21nir.jpg]

Did make some new markers on different meshes.. all the same result Peep
Forgot to removed latty's markers.. removed those... and yup it is working.. strange....
Will test it some more but seems it has a problem with latty's markers.
Seems the bot is ignoring marker timers for fishing.. strange... will try again with short timer and see what it does

FYI this is the .Nfo file :
miningSpot=Mining 20:365.87,5.86,70.03,1.008:16:20:1641:None,None
miningSpot=Mining 20  #2:270.04,-13.8,127.82,0.26:16:20:1572:None,None
miningSpot=Mining 30:487.22,11.94,335.14,1.221:26:30:1407:None,None
miningSpot=Mining 50:716.92,26.32,419.45,-3.129:46:50:1628:None,None
fishingSpot=Fishing - Sapsa:-230.54,-41.74,-296.89,-2.452:45:50:2720:Glowworm
fishingSpot=Fishing - Halfstone:-176.94,-39.2,-18.44,-2.009:35:40:1200:Herring Ball
fishingSpot=Fishing - Brewer's Beacon 2:446.83,14.78,457.9,0.714:15:20:2380:Rat Tail
fishingSpot=Fishing - Reaver Hide:-369.58,-38.55,-388.29,-0.283:50:50:2830:Northern Krill
fishingSpot=Fishing - Swiftperch2:645.2,5.85,555.47,-1.198:10:15:2152:Goby Ball
fishingSpot=Fishing - Skull Valley 2:266.8,-24.95,265.69,0.308:15:20:2372:Rat Tail
botanySpot=Botany 20   #2:279.71,-11.23,119.95,1.156:16:20:1228:None,None
botanySpot=Botany 20:500.65,11.2,370.03,0.546:16:20:1074:None,None

Console... seems to look for next marker but downs't go there and it is there....
[Image: mkahx3.jpg]
Any advice. what i've setup wrong, never had this before...
here's my .info file... btw, my console window shows nothing, but looks like interesting debugging done there

Attached Files
.zip   Eastern La Noscea - Costa Del (Size: 547 bytes / Downloads: 8)
Little update, must be the mesh or something connected with it, went to Wineport, Gathering Manager works there
Edit: Another update: Although that Gather Manager does not prevent fishing itself like in Costa del Sol, it still doesn't change marker... Perhaps something with the timers?
(12-15-2013, 03:48 PM)TauTau Wrote:  Little update, must be the mesh or something connected with it, went to Wineport, Gathering Manager works there
Edit: Another update: Although that Gather Manager does not prevent fishing itself like in Costa del Sol, it still doesn't change marker... Perhaps something with the timers?

That's what i'm struggling with now.
Fixed the markers.. so gather manager works, why it did break i dunno as of yet. tried the info file with standard meshes.. and those needed alot of editing on lvl marker and bait for fishing, all are set wrong!
After setting those info files to my liking's and adding new markers as on my own meshes.. it seems to work.. until timer is up.. it will not change markers... grrr .
i've had one successful marker change and then it was over... as i ran on the info file that came with the bot, but as the markers are set with wrong lvl and bait i had to stop change... and then again.. not changing markers..
Even tried to set at 1200 and at 2300+ like i have them normally but still nothing.

dunno what is causing this as you can see in my console log there aint a real info on what is causing this.
I'm not sure what is going on with fishing either. These meshes are also out of date. (Not their fault)
I'm using the builtin meshes since they should be based on the same thing anyway... levels seem to be correct here. It's not a showstopping bug to me, I just let it fish until the "no more fish" message pops up and then I move on manually.
(12-15-2013, 07:13 PM)TauTau Wrote:  I'm using the builtin meshes since they should be based on the same thing anyway... levels seem to be correct here. It's not a showstopping bug to me, I just let it fish until the "no more fish" message pops up and then I move on manually.
I don't have the time to babysit it till i need to switch...

@ Latty, i've noticed it 2, but from SVN all set ok, but with those it will not use gather manager.. looked over the info files its random, cause it does it on your as it does it on my own ones, very odd behavior

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