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Fishing Update - 15/12/13
Greetings Minions.

The current mesh pack being distributed with the bot had some character encoding issues causing the included fishing markers to break. I've added a fix for this issue as well as including a few other small additions from my current dev build.
  • Grind
    • Another resting fix - hopefully this is the final one
    • Bot will no longer stop fighting at flee hp/mp% if no evac point is defined
  • Fish
    • The fishing markers distributed with the mesh pack should work correctly now
  • SkillManager
    • Added new conditional checks "Only Solo" and "Only Party"
    • Fixed what looked like a bug causing Allies Near Target to work incorrectly
    • Added new conditional Allies HP% < to be used for medica and other similar spells. It checks for Allies Near Target(Count) within Allies Near Target(Range) who have less than Allies HP% < hp percent. In other words, if you have:
      • Target = Player
      • Allies Near Target(Count) = 3
      • Allies Near Target(Range) = 15
      • Allies HP% < = 75
      • The conditional will return true if there are 3 party members (including the player) within 15y who have less than 75% hp.
      • I've done limited testing with medica 2 and it appears to work properly but please report your success/failures with it
      • Note that this ONLY checks party members and will not return true for friendly non-party players
  • Assist
    • Added checkbox "Start Combat" - When this is disabled the bot will not begin the skillmanager rotation until combat is initiated. I disable this for dungeons to ensure that I don't accidentally pull mobs by clicking on them within combat distance.

Due to anticipated changes in the character/server selection code with 2.1 we will not be releasing the relogger until after this patch has dropped and the bot has been updated. It is possible that these changes could be significant enough to cause a delay in the relogger release but it will be the first priority as soon as the bot update for 2.1 is completed. Thanks for your continued patience and support as we work to improve the FFXIVMinion framework.
F3re for president.
(12-16-2013, 02:13 AM)Latty79 Wrote:  F3re for president.

Now my update is guaranteed to be riddled with bugs...I work much better under low expectations.
Bot is having navigation issues i cant really explain what its doing its sort of looping in circles it decides one route and then suddenly realizes it wants to go the other way then changes its mind again
(12-16-2013, 03:28 AM)Dwink Wrote:  Bot is having navigation issues i cant really explain what its doing its sort of looping in circles it decides one route and then suddenly realizes it wants to go the other way then changes its mind again

Fascinating...I can assure you nothing that has any effect on navigation was altered.
i was monitoring my bot in dragonhead and it started looping back and fourth just north of the camp whilst trying to navigate to the fate bellyfull then another bot not one of mine but another users on this forum did exactly the same therefore its not a localized issue :/ this was not happening before i updated maybe its a conflict with a lua module or maybe not.
(12-16-2013, 04:58 AM)Dwink Wrote:  i was monitoring my bot in dragonhead and it started looping back and fourth just north of the camp whilst trying to navigate to the fate bellyfull then another bot not one of mine but another users on this forum did exactly the same therefore its not a localized issue :/ this was not happening before i updated maybe its a conflict with a lua module or maybe not.

I believe that's a mesh issue; it definitely doesn't have anything to do with this update. There were similar complaints last week and we modified the distance check for fates in the hopes that this would fix it, but it sounds like it did not. If it happens again please try to turn on console logging (including CNE Log!) and get some data for us.
Im using latty's mesh i tried to replicate the issue last night but was unable to.
(12-16-2013, 01:00 PM)Dwink Wrote:  Im using latty's mesh i tried to replicate the issue last night but was unable to.

Yes I didn't mean it was a bug with your mesh in particular, just that it appears to be a navigation issue related to the default coerthas mesh. Once the update is done I'll run on it for awhile and see if I can reproduce it.
I can confirm what Dwink said (I posted about this in Latty's 100% mesh thread maybe 3-4 days ago). Also this happened in C. Processing Plant mesh too (just south of the town).

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