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I figured id post a thread for those that want to use isboxer so they can run more then 2 bots (users on windows 8.1) or want to manage the screen layout of their bots better. Here is a picture of what i mean with screen layout. i have 8 bots per monitor put in groups of 4. Each group of 4 is its own swap group. IF i click one of hte smaller windows it will swap places with the larger window in its swap group.

[Image: qeZ4v7c.jpg]
[Image: 65T0ZZN.png]
here is a video on how to set up ffxiv on isboxer. after setting up your character set you can launch the character set and use the mmominion launcher and attach the bots as normal.

Hope this helps you out. if you are going to pick up isboxer let me know and i will give you a referal code that will get both of us free subscription time to isboxer.

been getting pms about this so i wanted to bump the thread.
Thank you very much for this. I also am an avid ISBoxer user so I can answer some questions as well if people have them. Have been running multiple clients in multiple games (eve, eq1, eq2, rift, wow). I am by no means an ISBoxer expert but I can certainly help people get it set up, assuming they watched the video you so graciously posted first Expect
Thanks a ton for the information, jackie1234. I've been interested in setting this up myself and you've answered a lot of my questions! Do you happen to know if I'd be able to play my main account, on my primary monitor, separately from the botting accounts on my secondary monitor?
(02-20-2014, 11:43 PM)Lygrin Wrote:  Thanks a ton for the information, jackie1234. I've been interested in setting this up myself and you've answered a lot of my questions! Do you happen to know if I'd be able to play my main account, on my primary monitor, separately from the botting accounts on my secondary monitor?

Once you create your team and window layout in ISBoxer you can create new window layouts with the wizard based on your team. You can even tell it not to swap if you want. Just need to lay out the regions and slots the way you want in ISBoxer and export it to inner space. The only trick then would be to remember what instances are the right ones to load the bot in to.
ya i do this all the time my 1 computer runs 8 bot accounts and i play my 9ths. My isboxer set up is for 9 windows. 8 bots+1 non bot. I do this so that i can easly swap to any bot if i need to do trades with my main.
(02-21-2014, 12:27 AM)r1pt1de Wrote:  ... The only trick then would be to remember what instances are the right ones to load the bot in to.

lol This made me giggle a lil.... a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j.... how hard can it be to load in order? Snicker
(02-21-2014, 12:38 AM)Signature Wrote:  
(02-21-2014, 12:27 AM)r1pt1de Wrote:  ... The only trick then would be to remember what instances are the right ones to load the bot in to.

lol This made me giggle a lil.... a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j.... how hard can it be to load in order? Snicker

Have you read some of the other posts people have made? IS1, IS2, IS3, = a, b....wait, what?! :P
(01-10-2014, 02:55 PM)jackie1234 Wrote:  I figured id post a thread for those that want to use isboxer so they can run more then 2 bots (users on windows 8.1) or want to manage the screen layout of their bots better. Here is a picture of what i mean with screen layout. These screens will swap positions when i click them to bring them over full screen in the middle monitor so i can manage inventory or buying tome mats.

here is a video on how to set up ffxiv on isboxer. after setting up your character set you can launch the character set and use the mmominion launcher and attach the bots as normal.

Hope this helps you out. if you are going to pick up isboxer let me know and i will give you a referal code that will get both of us free subscription time to isboxer.

ughgh seriously? you cant buy ISboxer either? You have to pay to RENT it? srsly... I guess thats one way to suck people dry and get rich off a peice of software worth xx amount of money when you can charge it over and over and over and over again. >.< pet peeeeeeeve #2, #1 will never be topped. People chewing with their mouths open is the end all be all of annoyances. I will kill for less.

tyvm for the video though jackie. Options are super limited in this area so yea.. i'll likely be in touch regarding a referal >.>
Its also one way to ensure continued support and updates.

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