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[Module] Ice V 0.11
That's most likely the issue then, make sure you have a marker placed let me know if the issue continues after you have placed a mark. I also suggest setting the level restraints properly in it.
I have no issue with this, I know that it strains away without marker ;) Maybe OP should test that then... I just helped describing what I think is his problem...
ya you should use a grind marker... so the bot has somewher to go back to if it gets to far away.
Will try that now.

It even does it with mining now, will get 2 of the nodes, but the other 2 are too far away for it to run to, this is a new problem Used to work perfectly for me.

Yeah, even with a marker it doesn't bring you back to it because you don't really get far enough away :(

Also wondering if you can rais the range to over 200?
I haven't actually looked at what the full range of the bot it but i think it's somewhere around there. The only range limit the module has is on the claim over kill which if nothing is found will then find the monster that is closest. Now I haven't been able to replicate this issue you are having.
I assume you are running the latest version if not update it. if someone else is having this issue try and add some more details or something.
Did you try the area I PMed you in?
How do you set up the repair? Works great until my gear always breaks - then it doesn't repair. Grinding outside Costa Del Sol on the Jellyfish

Also - summon companion stopped working? It did one originally, then stopped.
For repair you just set the percentage you want it to repair at and also the check box so that it is enabled.
Summoning should be working, it's still working on my characters

Gotlife I tested it in the area you told me about first off I'm unsure why you would want to kill them but honestly the issue is how mountainous the region is. The game has to receive the information on the monsters from the server now because of the z range and the way the information is in that particular area it's not doing this. you say this worked without my module I have tested this and found that not to be true.

I tried the area without my module gotlife and it does the same thing. you need to remember with the module you are only farming one thing before you were farming basically everything in sight and never ran out of monsters. This isn't an issue that I can fix, I will attempt to think of a work around but that's about as good as I can do. To compare the two with or without the module you need to be farming the same things, it's unfair to compare functionality under different conditions, if your are farming with my module one thing, you need to compare the same without it, by blacklisting every monster other then the one you want to farm.

I have 10 accounts running 20/7 with this module with no issues. on multiple computers, all of them are farming / working flawlessly if you are having issues it's probably user error.

Now I realize that the modifications to the skill manager may break some profiles. That should be the only issues that are my fault.
I just started using this mod yesterday and so far it has worked perfectly. Ran it 24 hours straight leveling a Chocobo without any problems. Great job on this wildicedemon and thanks for the work you have put into it. +rep

Using this in conjunction with Enhanced Assist ER breaks any skills that target Player.

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