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City Meshes
For navigation/teleportation purposes we could use meshes of the 3 Big Citys. I've started with Ul'dah, maybe someone else want's to contribute some for the other two. You can record the mesh over the blue district changing lines, so the bot knows where to travel when clicking on a location in another district. This works only because all the citys have the same map id, so it wont work for normal maps.
Ul'dah has minor problems with zones overlapping over each other. If you click the map on such a location to teleport or travel there, you may end up in the upper region even if you clicked on the lower map. Nothing i can do about that yet.
Feel free to just add your city meshes to this thread. Please only do 100% meshes, everything else is useless. A city is mapped in 10 minutes.

Download Ul'Dah from here:
.zip (Size: 921.38 KB / Downloads: 209)
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
New and Old Gridania 100% mesh

Attached Files
.zip   New (Size: 308.31 KB / Downloads: 93)
.zip   Old (Size: 556.55 KB / Downloads: 104)
Thank you for those. One thing though, but you should have meshed the whole thing into one file. i have merged the files and added the botanist guild, since it was missing. Since the map actually shows both parts of the city, you can click-travel from one to the other if you use one mesh for both.

All Gridania:

.zip (Size: 1,014.57 KB / Downloads: 130)
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
Add offmesh connection? would that be it?
no, thats for jumping. you can just continue meshing after you changed districts. you'll even see the triangles continue behinde the blue lines that cause the zone change. just dont start a new mesh when you walk through.
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
Oh I did not know that... I just thought the triangles kept going because there was still road there. Thanks for the tip.
Both Lower and Upper Decks of Limsa Lominsa. I am unable to move from one map to another though. so, i can't say for sure if its correct or not. Some parts of the meshes probably can't be walk upon.

Also added Dev-TP waypoints file for both maps. Hope this helps.

Attached Files
.zip   Limsa (Size: 674.37 KB / Downloads: 164)
thanks guys!! very cool of you :) One day i shall pay it forward! I am considering doing a much more efficient, full set of skill profiles. The ragtag bunch we have is unorganized and certainly not equal in prowess or usefulness let alone efficiency.

Speaking of hansw, hows about removing the auto update of these from the launching of the bot? Or adding the ability via checkbox of what we want to update on launch? that would be an epic welcome feature :)

The reason I ask/suggest is that I am super OCD/anal about things being uniform, matching, and lean persay.

Before knowing the bot through and through, i had renamed the profiles i used to match and use uniform spelling/puncutation and deleted the ones that i had derived mine from, or no longer used and had it looking nice and trim. Much more high end than it currently presents itself. Needless to say, I launched it and it added all the profiles back and left me with doubles, mis spellings, and some starting w/ capital, some starting w/out etc. Naturally it was pointless to try and fix this again as it would just decimate it on restart.

Same with the hour and a half i wasted resizing windows to be able to see everything without adjustment, and work around my UI (apart from being forced to use the bot in windowed! Why is that?) Low and behold, after a restart all my changes went back to default and I almost lost all my hair on that one :P
you can disable auto update on the launcher already.

i have a list of very effecent skill profiles in a very organized manner same with duty profiles.
(02-04-2014, 06:13 PM)jackie1234 Wrote:  you can disable auto update on the launcher already.

i have a list of very effecent skill profiles in a very organized manner same with duty profiles.

I am officially a noob apparently :)

OK let me clarify with you. Which launcher? I use the non GUI version as the GUI version is not able to be used with the authenticator as far as I can tell.

If their is an option with the standard launcher to disable auto updating however, it is music to my ears and would love to be pointed in the proper direction :)

THank you much ^^

(02-04-2014, 06:06 PM)klepp0906 Wrote:  Speaking of hansw,

lol, no clue what that was supposed to say. obviously i had my fingers misplaced on the keyboard or something. just re read it was was like O.O

(01-30-2014, 01:11 PM)darkraito Wrote:  Both Lower and Upper Decks of Limsa Lominsa. I am unable to move from one map to another though. so, i can't say for sure if its correct or not. Some parts of the meshes probably can't be walk upon.

Also added Dev-TP waypoints file for both maps. Hope this helps.

mmkay more questions, i know im awful arent i? lol.

this Dev/Waypoint/files, that you have included along side the mesh files is supposed to be placed as is inside the Dev folder? As far as I can tell, my dev folder currently has no waypoint folder inside it.

Just trying to make sure its intended to have one after adding your limsa lominsa mesh :P Or if I am supposed to in fact remove the files and place them inside the Dev folder without the Waypoint sub directory.

Thank you once again!

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