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Just a bit of info for the devs regarding a bug
Now im a fairly new user - so I could be wrong, however with the bot being fairly new as well I see no reason why a bug couldn't have made it through or popped up and been unreported or addressed at this point.

Either way, bug.. great! now you guys know. Not a bug? Great! now I know and you can help me diagnose it :)

On to the issue.

Seems while grinding doing fates, if you check the "attack non fate mobs that agro" box, it doesn't seem to work. Checked, unchecked... it makes no difference. I don't know how many times it has caused my death, running to a fate - training through mobs that agro and they start wailing on me. Does he stop and tend to the mobs since the "kill attacking non fate mobs" is checked? Nope!

I thought it may be vice versa ie: unchecked = kill them instead of checked so I tried that too. Nope! I thought perhaps it only applied to mobs that hit you from outside a fate while you were at/doing a fate nope again!

Either im using it incorrectly and its blocked or subcontrolled by another setting, I don't understand what it does/misunderstand what it does, or its bugged and needs some binary laced luvvin! <3
Is there a fix for this? It looks very unnatural when grinding fates. can someone explain if this is working as intended or not?
well the way it works, its not gonna stop and attack them on its way to the fate.. what its for is killing mobs that might attack you once you are at the fate. So the mobs that are trained on you wont get attacked untill you have actually made it to the fate. Or if non fate mobs agro on to you at a fate it will kill them.
It doesn't make much sense to stop on the way to a fate to battle aggroed mobs. You'll never arrive in time for the fate if you do. So this flag controls the bot behaviour when its waiting for a fate to reach the percentage you setup before joining the fate. So if your toon stands around waiting at the edge of a fate, it will defend itself.
It will also not make it attack any non-fate mobs when it joined the fate and when there are fate mobs available. Its rather killing fatemobs instead, even if it dies doing so.
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
(02-06-2014, 07:00 PM)HansW Wrote:  It doesn't make much sense to stop on the way to a fate to battle aggroed mobs. You'll never arrive in time for the fate if you do. So this flag controls the bot behaviour when its waiting for a fate to reach the percentage you setup before joining the fate. So if your toon stands around waiting at the edge of a fate, it will defend itself.
It will also not make it attack any non-fate mobs when it joined the fate and when there are fate mobs available. Its rather killing fatemobs instead, even if it dies doing so.

well if your nearly dead and not doing anything about it like the other poster said, very bottish.

but moving past that... even if your not nearly dead.. ive trained half a dozen mobs TO a fate and regardless of check/no check - they go ignored and commence to beating me down. I believe you are correct in that it will finish them off, assuming I get to that point. (you usually dont) the problem then lies with priority. It will kill fate mobs first and foremost and kill the ones that aggroed first - last. This should be the opposite, obviously.

Now i know this is despised, ive heard so via PM. So let me make this clear, this isnt a dig AT minion, and it is one of my few points of reference in this "area" which is why i make it.

If any of you have used HB, you are aware... if you are aggroed, it will kill what aggroes you. You also have a checkbox in the bot settings which handles what you are referring to (perhaps you could do something like this?) it is called Kill Between Hotspots and it will do just that. Instead of training through all the mobs i will beat down the ones that get in the way. I belive you can set a radius (its been awhile)

Anyhow, 2c as usual.
if this was the opposite obviously then you would end up missing out on fate mobs because yu would spend your time killing non fate mobs and you would miss out on the credit from the fate. Most the time mobs dont chase you that far, If you have the bot stop on its way to a fate to kill mobs that agro you then you will never get to a fate. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of a fate grinding. since this game you do not get knocked off your mount when you get attacked there is no real reason to stop. Just join a fate party then the zerg of people going to fates will take most the heat off you and this will also leave you with people able to heal

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