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re enable auto update?
lesser of two evils, seems disabling fixed one problem but created another. GRRR

ive opened the cfg files w/ notepad and saw nothing, ran the updater exe with no luck...

outta ideas ^^
um... just click hte button... when you start the bot up it always brings up the auto updating before the blue screen. It will say checking for update...BYPassing. just retick the enable auto updater. as you can see the screen shot i posted you early shows it unticked... so obviously that window pops up every time you launch the bot. Just re tick the box and then relaunch the bot.
mine does not. I just get the blue box and it goes straight to loading the game interface. I think it has something to do with the fact that if i try to open the updater by itself, it wont open either.

I even tried using the updater from a fresh download (overwriting neglegent one) with no luck.

cmon man, give me SOME credit LOL.

any other ideas or is this going to be one of those delete the entire folder and do a clean re install deals? :( the box is the ONLY way to enable updating? and the only way to get that box is if it opens auto on launcher initialize or if it opens manually by running the executable? >.<
if you are up todate then the auto updater doesnt show up... if you are NOT up todate then the auto updater will show up and then say bypassing if you do not have a checkmark in it. the next time there is a bot update or you change the core files then it will pop up. you are not ment to run the autoupdater as a standalone. The launcher uses it when needed.
ok so next time their is an update, it will pop up even if i have auto update disabled?

kind of silly LOL but obviously it doesnt do any updating at that point, i guess its just there to alert you so you cna handle/do it on your own? TBH that may even be preferential.

Either way, now i know its not broken. I would suggest considering changing it though to be able to be ran regardless. If someone wants to do a file check such as myself or whatever the case is, waiting for an update to be pushed out to be able to turn it back on or off for that matter kinda sucks :P

In its defense, updates are pretty frequent it seems so... in short - ill live.

thank you jackie!
there is no need to file check, you do not have to wait for an update.. It auto file checks every time you launch the bot if ANY core file is changed or removed it will replace that core file, Now if you turn off autoupdate it still checks those core files but then it says BYPASSING. So there is no need to manually file check. you can test this by removing any core file in the dev or meshes it will then pop up the autoupdater but since you have auto update turned off it will say bypassing and go to hte blue screen.

you are welcome!

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